Atsumu and Osamu (Fluff)

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Headcannon: Atsumu watches Demon Slayer, Osamu watches The Promised Neverland, They argue over which one is better.

No Ships

It was after a practice and the Inarizaki team (only Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, Aran, and Kita) was having a sleepover together and the twins were fighting about what to watch. Suna was recording with Aran and Kita trying to stop the twins from yelling. They were failing.

"Demon Slayer is obviously better, They have swords and fight!"

"No The Promised Neverland is better! They are kids trying to escape to neverland, that's cool!"

"Can we do a vote scene there is 5 of us?" Kita suggested and the twins stopped yelling and Suna yelled "Demon Slayer!"

"I was going to choose The Promised Neverland." Aran says and Kita says "I was going to say The promised neverland also, It sounds kind of non-violent."

"Yay! I win!"

"Oh come on!"

"Okay be quiet so that we can watch" Aran said, stopping the argument and sitting down on the couch with Kita. Osamu sat down on the couch with the two third years as Suna and Atsumu sat down on the ground and they started watching.

*After the first episode*

"What the f**k." Kita said and everyone looked over and was shocked. Aran was crying as he had already got attached to all of the kids in the show "I love this show" Suna said and he got a hit on the back of the head from both Kita and Aran.

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