12. "All things go back to Daniel"

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I turn the pages in my book. “I’m not with him.” I said lowly, but loud enough for him to hear.

“Really?” he said looking at me. “Seems to me that it’s whole lot different from what you just said to me.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay whatever, can we go back to writing an essay please.”

He put his arms out in surrender. “Okay ma’am, I’m trying my best not to get on your bad side here.” I chuckled.

I’m a little surprised that Daniel is even speaking to me; he’d usually ignore me and just leave it if I’m doing anything like tapping my pen on the desk. For some unknown reason he actually spoke to me.

Is he up to something?

Especially since he has a sister like that.

I took the pen out of my mouth. “Hey can I ask you a question?”

He finished writing down his sentence. “Yeah sure.”

“You know we’ve been sitting in this seating plan for almost a year right?”

He nods. “Yeah why?” he said slowly trying figure out what it is that I’m trying to say.

“I mean, we never once spoken,” he thinks to himself and realization hits him. “I was just wondering why did you ignore me or why did you finally speak to me?”

He ran his hand through his soft tousled blond hair; it almost was like a hair commercial. “Oh right, yeah er… you know my sister right?” Brittney of course you’d come in the picture, I gestured him to go on. “Yeah well, when we first had the sitting plan I told my sister that I sit next to you. At that time she was saying how she despises you and doesn’t like you at all.” She still does. “But yeah anyway she told me to not talk to you and just ignore you. I did want to talk to you, seemed really vulnerable that time. Don’t get me wrong but my sister’s a bitch and she’s not kind of the person you want to get in a fight with, believe me I have arguments with her every single day. Can’t wait to move out of the house already.” We both laugh, I checked the clock and saw that we only have 2 minutes until lunch.

Me and Daniel start packing our stuff.

“Hey, you want some advice?”

I looked at him in confusion. I shrugged, “Sure.”

“Stay clear away from Carter.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

“Carter might seem really nice, but that doesn’t mean you know everything about him.” What is trying to say? He swung his bag to the side. “I’ll catch you later Tori,” I nod.

I’m trying to figure out what he meant by that, he’s right though. I don’t know much about Carter, even if we were friends before.


“So,” Serena said nudging my arm. “How was biology?”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Like every other lessons.”

Serena rolled her eyes. “I heard that Daniel was speaking to you, is that true?”

How does everyone find out already?

“Yeah, it’s true.” I sighed giving up.

Serena pulled me closer to her in the lunch line. “What did he say?” she said giving me her stare. “I mean he’s Brittney’s brother.” She gave me a concerned look.

She’s not wrong though.

I shook my head. “He didn’t say anything, we just spoke about his sister and how moody she can get.”

Walk On The Wild Side [Not Edited]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя