Chapter 6: The queen's escape

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After we got captured, Sam whispered something to me. It was too low for me to understand but the next thing I knew I was thrown back against the far wall by a blast of cold, the sack over my head sliding off. My head had hit the wall, and my vision was blurry. I was still able to move, although I was very woozy. Through the haze I could see light glinting off blue shards shimmering through the air. I didn't need to know what was happening. I took the opportunity to get my bearings, and run towards the dim light of the underground. I thought I heard footsteps following me but I never looked back. I kept moving deeper and deeper until I ended up back in the Northern district. I then wound my way towards the tunnels leading out.

I then lost all the adrenaline that had gotten me this far, causing me to fall to the ground. I violently retched , my body rejecting the extraneous activity. I then fainted. The last thing I saw was light reflecting off the wet cave walls.


Waking up again had to be the hardest thing I'd ever done. My body was in pain, I was drenched in sweat, and my head was throbbing. Trying to move didn't do much but cause me to pass out again. I was in and out of consciousness so often I lost track of time. The little bit I could grasp was constant movement. It seemed I was being cared for by a guy in an old worn down mask with dull red highlights around the edge. This man was traveling with me in tow, taking me through dark corridors where I could barely see. Occasionally I would wake up in a room made of wood. I was laid in a bed of some sorts. It wasn't very comfortable but I could never muster the strength to protest. The mask-man would occasionally nudge me awake, and force feed me a golden gel-like substance that was extremely bitter. I would always try to stay awake but I'd just faint again.

The gel-like substance slowly started tasting better and he nudged me awake more often. I became able to stay awake for longer periods of time but still couldn't bring myself to talk or move.

There was a time I woke up to the sounds of yelling. I saw a pink flash and then everything went dark again. When I awoke back I was in another room, being nudged awake to eat. This time the man had his mask off but I couldn't make out his face, everything was blurred and swirled and had a harsh pink tint to it. I opened my mouth to speak and everything went dark.

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