Chapter Six

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The rest of the week passes more smoothly and by the time the weekend rolls around, Dean's become so accustomed to treating Castiel like his boyfriend, he almost forgets their relationship isn't real.

On Saturday, John takes the afternoon off from the shop that he runs with Bobby when the aren't at the station or patrolling. He and the three boys spend the day transforming the backyard into a Sam-approved space to host his End of School party in.

John and Dean string lights across one corner of the backyard while Sam and Castiel drag patio chairs out from the garage and hose them down.

John has set up an old radio for them outside, Aerosmith blaring from the speakers, and as Dean watches Cas work, he’s pleased knowing Castiel has fallen into Dean's family like he's always belonged.

"So, Sam-" Dean calls out across the yard. He's fixing a strand of lights to the fence while John stretches it across the corner and secures it on the opposite side.  "You trying to impress somebody with this whole shindig tonight, or what?"

"What makes you think that?" Sam asks as he comes to stand next to Dean, his eyes surveying Dean and John's work.

"I don't know," Dean admits, "I never did anything like this when I was in high school, but I think I would have if I was trying to impress somebody." He wiggles his eyebrows at his brother suggestively.

"You and your guild were too busy playing video games to do anything like this," Sam points out; the word 'guild' comes out dripping in sarcasm. 

"That wasn't a 'no', Sammy."

Sam sighs and it's all longsuffering and worn out, as if Dean's been hounding him all day about the matter. "No, Dean. I just wanted to do something cool for my friends, okay?"

At that moment Mary sticks her head out the sliding glass door. "Sam! Jess Moore's mother just called to say she'll be here tonight." Her voice carries across the yard and Dean watches as a goofy smile creeps it's way onto Sam's face.

"Okay, thanks Mom!"

"Well I know that smile," Dean states, bending to pick up another strand of lights. "Is that who this is all for? Jess Moore? I remember her - pretty little thing."

"Shut up, Dean," Sam grumbles before stomping off across the yard, his cheeks burning as he goes. 

"That wasn't a 'no', Sammy!" Dean shouts after him with a satisfied smile. His brother flips him the bird and gets back to work on the patio chairs.

By the time everything is set up, the backyard looks amazing, and Dean's almost jealous he didn't do something like this when he was in high school. But Sam was right, Dean did play a lot of video games at that time in his life, and raids with his guild are still some of his fondest memories.

Dean walks across the yard to where Castiel is seated in a patio chair and heaves himself into the one next to him, sighing contentedly. It feels good to finally be off of his feet.

"Whadaya think, Cas?" Dean asks, kicking his legs out in front of him and tilting his head back on the chair. There's a cool breeze floating through the yard and Dean revels in the feel of it brushing across his nose and cheeks. 

"I think you should show me around your treehouse," Castiel answers. 

"Yeah?" Dean asks. He had noticed Castiel eyeing his and Sam's old treehouse all day with curious eyes, but up until now he hadn't considered the fact Castiel might actually want to go inside. 

"Yes," Castiel responds as he stands from his chair and cuts across the yard towards the treehouse, resting in the corner opposite the lights. 

Dean follows him until Castiel stops at the treehouse and its hanging wooden ladder. 

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