Chapter One

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The sound of knocking coming from her bedroom door pulled Morrigan out of her book. She had been in a field, the sound of birdsong filling the air and clouds rolling peacefully through the sky.

As she closed the book she called, "Come in!" to whoever was on the other side of the door. When she heard it click open, she looked up to see bright yellow pants paired with a white dress shirt and turquoise shoes. She looked up at the ginger haired man with a large grin on her face before running over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. "You're home!"

Jupiter chuckled and squeezed her tightly.

"Oh, I missed you," Morrigan said into his chest.

"Each time I've gone away from home over the past five years, your reaction has never changed. You're sixteen now, Mog! Most sixteen-year-olds are begging for their fathers to leave them alone."

Morrigan pulled back and looked up at his face. His eyes held a glint of mischief. "No one has a dad like mine."

Jupiter smoothed the crinkles from his pants with a rather smug grin. "I am pretty cool, aren't I?"

Morrigan lightly punched his arm, earning a look of mock shock from him. "Don't get cocky, buddy."

Jupiter laughed before walking over to her bed and sitting at the foot of it. "So, how's school? Almost done your junior years!"

Morrigan moved to where Jupiter was and sat down next to him. "Yeah, school is great. Just a lot of work." She rubbed her hands over her face as she remembered what classes still needed assignments to be handed in.

"I didn't much like the workload either, but it's all worth it in the end, is it not?" asked Jupiter.

"I guess so." Was it worth it, though? Morrigan was constantly being harassed over her knack so she wasn't even sure if completing her Wunsoc training as a Wundersmith was worth the effort. If she was going to graduate with nothing to do then what was the point? However she didn't let Jupiter know she was feeling this way and plastered a fake smile across her lips.


Morrigan rested her head on her patron's shoulder. "Hey, Jupiter?"

"Yes, Mog?"

Morrigan looked up at him with a small smile. "Did you bring me anything from wherever you were?"

"Of course I did! It's in my study, but we have to wait for Jack to come home before you can open it."

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "I'm always waiting for someone to come home before I can do anything! Whether it's you or Jack, I wait and wait and wait!"

Jupiter stared at her for a moment before sighing. "Fine. Let's go."

Morrigan giggled and jumped up before walking out of her room and leaving Jupiter to follow her. The closer she got to the study, the faster she walked. Jupiter was constantly telling her to slow down, complaining his body was not what it used to be, but Morrigan wasn't listening.

She was always excited to receive the presents that came from Jupiter's trips. The bottom drawer of her dresser was filled with these gifts. Whether they be clothes, or books, or little souvenirs from gift shops, the drawer held them all.

The items always held some importance to the country Jupiter had travelled to. His suitcase once held a replica of the crown that belonged to the queen of the country. That one isn't in Morrigan's drawer. Alternatively, she placed it on the head of her skeleton coat rack.

When Morrigan made it to the study she waited for Jupiter to catch up to her and unlock the door. She tried to stay patient but it was impossible; she was too excited for the new present. Instead, she stood rocking back and forth on her heels.

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