Chapter 225

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The despondent boy hung his head as he stood before Randolph Carter once again.  Carter circled him like an animal circling its prey.  "Are you ready to cooperate Alex?" He asked as he glowered at the boy.  "Or do you need another session with cane."

"No."  He said.  "I will cooperate."

"Have you given up hope of escape."

"Yes sir."

"Liar."  He smirked.  "You are still holding out hope that somehow your Evan will rescue you."  What a laughable idea he thought.  Even if by some chance he discovered that Alex was still alive he had no way to get him.  He was cut off from the bridge, from the other realities.  And if by some miracle he found his way to the bridge he would not be able to find his way into the machine to rescue his dear Alex.  "But that hope will diminish in time."

"Is that what happened to you?"  Alex asked.

"Excuse me?"  Blood rushed to his face as his eyes narrowed at the boy.  "What did you say young man?"

Alex then looked at him. With defiance radiating from his face he said "Is that what happened to you?"

"You better watch your mouth..."  He gripped the cane as he walked closer to him.

"You hoped to find open a portal into another universe but instead you wound up destroying your own world."

"Shut up."  He said.

"That's what you did, didn't you."  Alex steeled himself.  "You blew your own planet killing not only your daughter but everyone you cared."

"I said shut up."  Hey yelled as he slapped him across the face.

"And not only did you destroy your world you became prisoner to this machine didn't you?"  Alex said.  Randolph yelled at him to shut him up and again and went to hit him only for the boy to grab his arm.  "For ninety years you have been stuck in this machine forced to watch while your counterparts got to do what you dreamed of."

"Let go of me."  He said as he pulled his arm back.  "I think its time for you to go back to your."  He sent the command for Alex to return his room but to his dismay the boy did not disappear.  "No this can't be, the machine is programmed to obey my thoughts."

"Yes it is."  The boy smiled victoriously.  "I noticed that when you sent the lad away you did not flip a switch or press a button.  You just sent him away and he was gone.  I realized that you had to connected to this wonderful machine."

Randolph's heart began to beat in his chest as he said "Yes its to obey my thoughts not yours."

"But hear is thing Randolph."  He said as he moved closer.  "I am you."

"No."  He said as his body began to seize with fear.  "Impossible."

He then grabbed him and said "Look in my eyes Randolph and see."  Randolph looked in the boys eyes and to dismay the young boy was not there but was replaced.  Replaced by another version of himself.  "Let me introduce myself I am Randolph of the gray world and your time in this machine is over."

"No you won't take the machine away from me."  He yelled as he began to struggle in his grasp.  "You can't take it from me." 

"I can."  He said as held onto him.  "And I will."

"Door."  Randolph Gray said and his mind connected to the machine.  To his other Randolph utter disbelief a wall in the console room slid opened revealing a door.  On the other side were Evan and Anson of the gray world.  They rushed in and were followed by Alex who was currently inhabiting his body.

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