boxer's girl // nine

Start from the beginning

We worked on the project for a while, eventually finishing and just chilling in the room. I was sitting on the cushioned bench near the window of the study while T was siting on the swivel chair.

"Favorite color?" T asked with a contagious smile.

"Blue. Favorite movie?"

"Interstellar. Favorite video game?"

"Fifa." Our random conversation was interrupted by the three obnoxious boxers walking into the study. Jad and Dylan sat on the couch by the book shelf while Cole lifted me into his lap on the cushioned bench.

"How's the project going?" Cole asked after kissing my forehead. I smiled warmingly at him

"We finished." I cuddled into his chest and lap even more.

"Good because I need you to come to my match now. T can come." I know Cole wasn't comfortable with me spending this much time with another male other than Dylan, Jad, and Daniel, but it made me smile that he offered.

"Want to come T?" I asked the small-in comparison to the other three men-boy.

"That sounds awesome." He smiled at us.

"Cool. Let me change then we can go." I stood and pulled Cole with me before leaving T, Dylan, and Jad to make uncomfortable small talk together.

"What should I wear?" I asked Cole as he sat on my-well, now our-bed.

"Why? Are you trying to impress T?" His attitude was actually cute.

"No, because I want you to pick an outfit that you'll feel comfortable with me in while I'm there tonight." I sat in his lap and smiled at him.

"Oh, um...the black leggings and...this." He pulled off his hoodie that he must've put on while I was working on my history project. I smiled at him before stripping off my current nike pros and pulling on the leggings and hoodie. I slipped on a pair of all-black vans before I was being pulled into a hug by Cole.

"You look beautiful." He kissed my forehead.

"Oh, I'm sure I do in this hugs hoodie." I rolled my eyes, and he kissed my forehead.

"You do, so shut up." He smiled at me. "Now lets go."


Cole had won. Big surprise. I was so proud of him as I waited for him to get out of the shower to lay with me in bed and go to sleep.

He walked out of the bathroom with a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. One hand running through his hair while the other held onto the cloth around him. I stared at him toned stomach and arms. He was tan and fit. Very fit.

"Like what you see."He smirked, making me snap out of my daze.

"I can't not." I whispered, trying to regain my composure.

"I'm glad I still get your heart racing, Han." Cole smirked as he picked up boxers, disappearing behind the closet door to pull them on before he was back again. He crawled into bed with me and kissed my forehead.

"Why do you always do that?" I whispered.

"Do what?" He asked confused.

"You always leave to get dressed. Are you embarrassed of your body? Because you really shouldn't be. You're beautiful." I stroked his cheek as I climbed on his lap in nothing but his large t shirt and panties.

"I don't want you to feel pressured into anything." He breathed out. "If you see me naked, you might feel the need to reciprocate, and I don't want you doing anything you don't want to do. I want you and I to make love when its right, when you're ready. I know you're a virgin, and I want your first time to be amazing. I'm going to wait as long as I have to until you are comfortable with going further." He carressed my cheek, and I leaned into his touch.

"You amaze me." I whispered and kissed him. I continued the kiss with raw passion. "I love you, Cole Sparks."

"I love you more, Hannah." He kissed my forehead before laying down further into a more confortable position. He had my body tucked into his. His arms wrapped around my waist as my back was pressed to his front. "Sleep, baby. You have classes tomorrow." He kissed the back of my head and smiled at me.

"Can you sing to me?" I smiled remembering once when he sang in the car as we drove home.

"Anything for you, baby girl." He kissed the back of my head again.

"Cross my heart and hope to die.
Burn my lungs and curse my eyes.
I've lost control, and I don't want it back." The familar sweet melody by Panic! At The Disco filled my ears, although this version was different. Slower.

"I'm going numb. I've been hijacked;
It's a fucking drag." The usual harsh tone of the song was sweet and soft, nicer.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you, so I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do." His soft voice was the last thing I heard before slipping into oblivion.

People say that sleep it the best time because nothing is bothering you; you are at rest, at peace. They say sleeping is better than facing reality, but that's only true if your reality isn't what you want it to be. I love my happy reality. It may not be perfect all the time, but having Cole by me every step of the way through my tough times is what makes this all worth it. That's all that matters.

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