"This isn't over!" Damen yelled. "I'll get you back one way or another!"

Jack embraced me in his arms while Sarah stood by the car surprised. "You didn't tell me all of that happened." He said.

"I didn't want to tell you what happened because-" I sighed. "Because I don't want you to feel sorry for me." I explained.

"But I care about you." He said caressing my face.

"Did you imply that you loved me earlier? When you said that to him?" I asked.

"I wasn't implying it. I was just explaining how he couldn't care for you like I do." He smiled.

Thank god because it's too early for love. "Okay." I kissed his cheek. "I didn't even know he was following me or even still thought about me."

"Well stalkers like that. You never know. He also had alcohol on his breath."

"Yeah. I smelled it too." I said with a look of disgust on my face.

"He was total creep," he said. "How did you date him for so long?"

"I don't know. I was blind."

I shuddered as I thought of what would have happened if I had been alone. If they hadn't been here with me, god knows where I would be. Was he capable of hurting me? He had been drunk, and most drunks don't think reasonably.

Sarah squeezed my shoulder affectionately. "I'm glad we were with you," she murmured. I was glad too. When we dated, Damen didn't strike me as the violent type, but if it wasn't already obvious, I didn't know him very well back then considering that he had been cheating on me with my ex-best friend right under my nose. If he was capable of cheating, was he capable of being violent?

"Let's go," I said. "I'm not feeling so well."

"Don't let some jerk ruin our day, Mady," Jack said.

"I'm trying not to. I haven't felt good all day." I replied and looked up at him.

"What wrong?" Jack asked.

"Personal stuff." I said.

"Oh okay." He said. "Can I help in any way?"

"Just kiss me." I demanded.

"My pleasure." He placed his lips against mine.

I loved feeling his warmth against mine-- it made me feel safe. He made me feel safe. I loved his arms tightened around me, while his lips were pressed into mine. I haven't felt this in a while; I thought I would never feel it again honestly. I've finally moved on with my life and found someone I could care for like that. I've found Jack, or Jack found me-- its complicating. All I cared about right now was Jack's lips against mine. I felt free of all the bad things, and able to let all of the good things in for once.

"Ehem," Sarah coughed. "Awkward third wheel here who is hungry."

I pulled away from Jack laughing, "Okay." I looked at her.

"I want Mexican." She said enthusiastically.

"Uh, okay." I mumbled. "Do you mind that?" I turned towards Jack.

"Yeah sure."

"Well I have to use the lady's room." I smiled. "I'll be right back."

"Okay. Be careful." Jack said. I'm surprised he didn't want to come with me. That would be weird now that I think about it.

I exited the stall that I was using to wash my hands. I hummed a familiar tone while I stroked the water through my hands.

"You always had a beautiful voice." I heard a male say.

I turned off the water and turned around slowly, "Damen." I gasped.

"I've missed you."

"You're drunk." I said.

"I want to touch you."

"Please don't." I pleaded. "I just want to go."

"I can't let that happen." He walked towards me. "I have to have you." He placed either hand beside me on the counter. "Your lips on mine again." He ran my hair behind my ear.

I shivered under his touch. It wasn't pleasant or nice-- it was horrifying. "No." I cried and looked down.

He grabbed my chin aggressively, "You don't make the decisions." He said in anger. "Now kiss me."

"No." I mumbled.

He smashed his face into mine. All I tasted was liquor on his lips. I pushed him away, "Stop!" I cried.

In one swift moment his hand planted across my face. I clasped my cheek in pain and fear-- sobbing. "You're so ungrateful. You were always ungrateful."

"Stop. You're drunk." I cried. "This isn't you." Though I really didn't know him anymore.

"This is me." He said. "You don't know me!" He yelled.

I heard the bathroom door slam open and it was Jack. "What the-" Ge grabbed Damen by the collar. "What is wrong with you."

I could feel the bride popping up in my cheek, "Jack." I sighed in relief.

"Leave right now." Jack said in his face. "Before I do something I'll regret doing in front of Mady."

Damen threw his hands up in surrender and stumbled out of the bathroom. Jack rushed over to me.

"I had a feeling I should have followed you." He held me tightly.

"Thank god. Where's Sarah?" I cried. I hoped she wasn't outside alone.

"She's sitting at a table. She wouldn't stay outside alone." He looked at me.

"Thank you," I cried. "For following me."

"You're welcome. I will always protect you." He said kissing my forehead. "Your cheek is purple." He cried.

"He slapped me after I pushed him away. He forced me to kiss him." I cried.

"I would never treat you like that." He rubbed my newly bruised cheek.

"I know." I smiled. It was a fake smile.

"Come on, let's get you home." He said helping me up.

I don't know where I would be right now if I had never let Jack in or given him a chance. I'm so grateful for him right now-- I don't want to lose him. He is everything to me at this point in my life-- I actually care for him. "Don't ever leave me." I sigh.

"I will never leave you." He hugged me tightly.

I'm definitely not a lost cause.

Sincerely, Mady.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang