"And what about that stupid caption?" He quizzed in seething anger. Shit, if I knew chilling with Rose would evoke this response from him, I would have done it much sooner.

Stepping onto the fire escape and pulling out my pack of smokes, I snorted, "It's just a caption, try not to get your brief in a knot over it. Look, I've respected that you've liked her since we were kids. I'm not going to be an asshole and fuck things up for you now but you're not dating her just yet. You can stake your fucking claim all you want but it's completely up to her and if I want to shoot my shot..." I let my sentence trail off as I lit my cigarette.

"You're not going to use her the way you used Amira," his voice was low, a very serious warning laced within the words.

I chuckled, the sound coming out with no humor, "She feels something for me, Dean. Who am I to deprive her of what she clearly wants?" It was what I wanted to but I wasn't prepared to disclose that information just yet. I still needed to figure out what the actual fuck I was feeling.

I did something for her last night that I wouldn't have done for anyone. It was fucking spontaneous for an asshole like me and dare I say it, bordering romantic. I brought her the fucking rain. The mere thought of it had a smile splitting my lips. She looked so happy dancing in my arms.

My fucking arms!

"She's not like every other girl, Sean. If you hurt her..."

"You'll do what?" I growled, feeling agitated that he thought I'd hurt her. Yes, I said some pretty messed up things to her in the past but I always did my best to apologize to her. My problem was that I spoke without thinking, but I would never intentionally hurt her, "Let's get one thing straight, brother. I respect that you like her but it's her decision what she wants. I'm not going to fuck things up for you but if she prefers me over you then too bad. It was a dick move professing your feelings for her just to get her to stay away from me."

"Dick move or not, Rose shouldn't be anywhere near you or Miguel," Dean snapped and I couldn't say I didn't agree with him.

Drawing in a lung full of nicotine, I drawled, "I won't bring her around Miguel. Not until he gets his shit together so you dont have to stress about that and she will be just fine as long as I'm with her."

"This isn't a competition, Sean, so don't make it one!"

"The way I see it, it's always been a competition between us and I always chose not to fucking play. But times change and maybe I found a prize worth playing for. So, dear brother, may the best man win," with those words, I ended the call and pocketed my phone.

Finishing the last of my cigarette, I made my way inside through the window again. I gathered that Rose hated the idea of me smoking and hated the smell of it altogether. It was a difficult habit to kick especially since I had been smoking for such a long time. I'd like to blame peer pressure but that would be a load of horse shit.

Tossing the keys to my motorcycle onto the nightstand, I made my way out of my room. Amira was still asleep but Miguel was awake, lugging himself all over the place with a frown etched onto his face. The lines of cocaine weren't on the table anymore, matter of fact, he had cleaned the sitting room spotless but by the look on his face, I could tell he wasn't enjoying a second of it. Fucker deserved it. He should have thought twice before doing something as stupid as this. What would it be next? Me bailing him out because of possession chargers?

"Lo Siento, Hermano," Miguel rasped, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another. He stood at the opposite end of the room, a good distance away from me.

"Send Amira home and stay the fuck away from her," I snarled lowly, making sure my voice wouldn't wake her up, "dont get her involved in your shit, Miguel. I'm warning you."

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