14| Stupid Jerk

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"Miguel, what the fuck?" I gritted, pulling him by his hair and slapping him on the cheek. He was passed on the couch, probably coming down from his high. It was clear that he spent the night playing in the snow - two and a half lines of cocaine cut on the coffee table, "I specifically told you not to bring this shit into the apartment."

He groaned, tousling his raven black hair as he attempted to sit up straight, "Cristo," his hiss filled the silence of the room as I stood over him with a fucking deadly glare.

I didn't expect to come home this morning to this shit so I expected him to have a good fucking explanation before I ended up beating his ass. We had an agreement set into place. If he chose to be a runner, that was on him but by no means was this shit allowed in my apartment. He may have been like a brother to me but this was a one-way ticket to get kicked out. Tough love, everyone needed some tough fucking love.

"Clean this shit up and if I find anymore lying around the house I'm flushing it down the God damn toilet," I called, making my way down the hall to my room, "and once that shit's left your system, you're going to tell me why you thought it would be a fucking excellent idea to bring it in here."

I was about to turn the doorknob leading into my room when I heard a female groan coming from the room opposite — Miguel's room. The voice sounded too familiar for me to ignore it so, against my better judgment, I decided to check it out. I nudged Miguel's room door open with the tip of my boot and snarled at the sight of Amira sprawled on his bed. She had a tiny dress on which barely covered anything. By the look of it, she was coming down from her high as well.

I didn't want to tell Rose the truth. She had asked why I had somehow started paying attention to Amira again and I had lied to her, telling her that I thought we could be friends. That wasn't the reason. I stuck to her side to prevent something like this from happening. Miguel was heading down a damned path and I didn't want him to take Amira down with him. I may not have liked the girl but she deserved better than to get addicted to drugs like cocaine because when she couldn't afford to keep the habit, she would search for something cheaper to suffice. Heroin was cheaper on the streets and more addictive. I didn't want to see Amira, or anyone I knew for that matter, heading down that fucked up road.

There was nothing I could do now though. I had to wait until the two sobered up so I could knock fucking sense into their thick skulls. Closing the door, I made my way into my room. It was the only place in the entire apartment that was both clean and untouched. Miguel had probably thrown another one of his parties last night, this time having the sense to kick everyone out before I arrived home.

My phone's ringtone blaring through the silence was what startled me out of my thoughts. I fished my phone out, scoffing at the name that flashed on the screen. My brother only phoned when he wanted something or, like now, he wanted to bitch about something. I had purposely uploaded a video of Rose playing the piano to my Instagram feed this morning. She was so engrossed in the music that she hadn't noticed me watching her. Talk about being fucking creepy but she was excellent. The caption of the post read 'She left playing with the piano to play with me. I knew that would start some shit but I didn't think he would be so quick to call me.

Swiping my thumb across the screen to answer, I placed the phone to my ear and said, "Dickhead, what can I do for you?"

"I thought I told you to say away from her," he gritted in what I assumed was a fit of jealousy. It probably was jealousy speaking because I had never heard my brother sound as deadly as this before. I knew he would kill for the girl, didn't think the rule applied to me too.

"Relax, it's just a video of her playing the piano. What the big fucking deal?" I defended, walking over to the window and opening it, "and then maybe we spent part of the night together, talking." I emphasized the last word so he wouldn't jump to any conclusions.

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