Took about five minutes Juila had the target in her aim and she fired the pistol and it hit the paper didnt hit any lines of the target but it still hit the paper it was on it.

Hank: not bad Juila for a first timer I can take the gun back now if you want me to.

Juila: no I think I want to practice shooting some more. 

Hank: alright then let me show you how to reload the rifle. 


A heavy fill of tears drops down her face the gun Hank had and taught her how to use was the same gun he given her she stands up off the bench and walks to the church that was less then a block away still holding Hank's banda in her hand.

She found her seat in the church the pastor was up front and waited all the people of Nevada too walk in ones who lost someone they cared deeply about just like how Juila was there. 

There was so many coffins all but the ones  for the tree heroes there bodies was never found it broke Juila's heart that after everything Hank Sanford and Deimos will never get to see the fact people in Nevada finally saw them as heroes. 

This issue with Nevada the last couple of days reached head lines around the world.  Everyone thought humanity was gonna get eased and be nothing but demons running around there souls trapped forever.

The pastor clears his voice getting everyone's attention.

Pastor: I speak for everyone here that Nevada and the rest of humanity was almost at it's end we lost some good people here the last few days. 

Juila felt someone's hand on her shoulder and a small one she looks to see who it was it was Luke. 

Luke: it's..... Okay Juila I miss them too. 

She had forgotten that Luke looked up to Deimos so the 12 year old had some what a same feeling she did. 

Pastor: you are not a lone in what your feeling we pulled through 911 we will pull through this.  Friends family and even heroes get lost everyday we lost our chef in the police force.  We also lost our three hero's who we owe our lives to Hank Sanford Deimos will be highly missed now a momment of silence for these hero's we lost thank you. 

Just like the pastor had asked everyone was quite for about five too ten minutes.

Juila sniffed a few more tears rolls down her face her eyes was closed she kepted listening but still kepted her eyes closed she was clearly a mess.

Doc: I knew Hank Sanford and Deimos quite well they......

Juila's mind went wild she wanted him back in her life she would do anything to see Hank's bright blue eyes again. Or to just hear his voice one more time. There was a loud gasps in the crowd this pulled Juila out of her head and she looked to see what everyone was looking at her mouth drops because in the door way stood Sanford and Deimos.

Juila had the biggest shock to her face her eyes fully widen Sanford and Deimos each move to different sides and someone came through the middle of them Juila stood up from her seat and she screamed out his name.

Juila: HANK!!! 

Her screaming this out made everyone turn from from the tree heroes back to her but she didn't care.  Before Hank reaised what she was doing he found himself on the ground with Juila hugging. Him non stop Sanford and Deimos was smiling they knew this is how she was gonna react once she found out Hank was alive. 

Hank: whoa whoa Juila I'm alright can you please let me stand back up please. 

Juila was crying once again but this time happy tears. She got up and help Hank to stand back up.  Deimos then got a surprise too it was from Luke the kid was given him a huge hug to he was so foced on Hank and Juila to notice him.  Luke stopped hugging Deimos then went and hugged Sanford. 

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