Westlake End, Best in the Area

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    He held the flint and steel in his hands. It felt so weird to finally be holding them. He smiled and lit the portal. The bright [color] burned Aiden's eyes but he'd never been so happy to finally see it.
    He put his hand through the portal and it went through with small white snowflakes coming from the edges of where his hand met the portal. He took a step through and then another.
    Instead of the place he'd expected [describe the place Aiden first went through to get to the sky city], it was dark. A long stretching hallway, so far, Aiden couldn't see the end. Against the walls of the hallways, millions of portals sat across the hall. Aiden looked back hoping to see the [color] portal, but it was just a wall. He panicked and looked back to the hall. There was no going back.
    Aiden stood back against the wall and looked around him frantically. He checked his pockets, only seeing a few coins, and his latest journal. He looked out at the hallway, and his breath started to shake.
    "No, no, no, no. Where am I?" He put a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. He looked down.
    He then looked back up and walked forward. He went up to the first portal. As he put his hand through, he could hear a quiet buzzing noise coming from where his hand was though. He took a deep breath and stepped through.
    The sky was a dark blue-purple. Before Aiden, was a long, long staircase that seemed to go down to bedrock. Aiden stepped back and bumped into a stone portal frame that replicated the one from the hall, but this time, instead of shining in orange and yellow colors, it was left unlit, and almost dull.
    Aiden looked around him. It seemed to be plains that stretched out to the horizon. A small oak house with a short stone roof sat a few 20 blocks from the portal. Aiden sighed and walked to the house and knocked. He heard someone fumble their way through the house to the door.
    The door opened and someone who was far shorter than Aiden stood in the doorway. They had blonde hair, green eyes, and wore a light blue shirt with green overalls.
    "Yes?" They asked. They had a somewhat high-pitched voice and sounded fairly confused.
    "Where am I?" Aiden couldn't help but sound just as confused as them.
    They raised an eyebrow. "I dunno, who are you?"
    "Aiden. You?"
    They held out a hand to shake. "My name's Quinn. Where are you from Aiden? Because right now, you're in Westlake End, the town that", they put a hand on their chest and smirked. "I made. Myself!"
    "What a busy town you have." Aiden said looking around at the empty "town".
    "Hey!" Quinn snapped. "This town. Is a great town. Best in the area." They paused. "Only. In the area." Their smirk went away. "No one really lives here." Their voice got much slower.
    "Well, you have a nice house. Do you know what that stone portal is for?" Aiden gestured to the portal.
    Quinn poked his head out of the doorway. "I've never seen that thing in my life." He shrugged. "Free stone though! So, where are you from?"
    "Beacontown. It's- I-" Aiden stuttered. "It's far away."
    "Hmmmmm, I've never heard of it. Is there a lot of beacons?" They leaned against the doorway and put their hands in their overall pockets.
    "Not really, the town next to ours has lots, lots more. It's called Champion City, and the mayor is rude." Aiden loosened his posture and tilted his head slightly.
    "Are you ever going to go back?"
    Aiden hesitated. "I'm trying to do that right now, actually."
    "Really? Which way are you going?" Quinn looked around swiftly.
    Aiden laughed to himself, nervously. "Well, I came through that portal." He points to it. "And, I'm guessing I go back through that portal."
    Quinn's jaw dropped. "You came through that lousy smelted cobble?" They folded their arms. "How'd you do it?"
    Aiden sighed. "It's a long story."
    Quinn smiled and stepped to the side. "I've got all the time in the world! Come in, come in! Want something to eat? I've got pumpkin pie, berries, and porkchop!"
    "Ah- uh- pumpkin pie?" Aiden walked into the house.
    Quinn opened a chest and took out a couple slices of pie. They sat down at a small bench and patted the seat beside him. "Come sit, come sit."
    Aiden sat down. "Well, I had this friend."

    After Aiden recited his entire life history- jk. Aiden told Quinn about Jesse, and what happened with Lukas. He brushed over the wither storm and told them about the sky island. He explained how he needed to find his home through the portals.
    "And I walked through, and now I'm here."
    "So you need a flint and steel." Quinn looked over to his chests and barrels. "Hm, I think I might have what you need." Quinn got up and went through his chests. "How many portals do you think there are?"
    Aiden sighed. "I don't know, hundreds?" He fiddled with his jacket. "I hope the portal back home is close."
    "How do you know it's not infinite?"
    Aiden looked over at Quinn, who was now looking at Aiden. "Then, I'm f*cked."
    Quinn went back to looking through chests. "Well, if you ever need somewhere to go, you can always come back here! Also, I found the flint and steel!" Aiden looked up. Quinn held a glowing green flint and steel. "It isn't blue but it's glowing!"
    Aiden smiled. "Wow. Thank you!"
    Quinn grinned at Aiden. "No problem!" He gave the flint and steel to Aiden. "Now go find your way back home!"

this is my second favorite chapter, and I didn't forget to update today :D

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