Bee and Dreamii

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"I still remember Quinn. I don't remember much else."

He couldn't remember what his house near Savannah looked like. He couldn't remember what Savannah looked like. He feared he'd forget her name. He hasn't been keeping track of the days. He assumed it had been years, but he couldn't trust himself to know.
He looked up from the book. He sat underneath a large Christmas tree, with the worst lighting design ever, and that had a red carpet underneath. He stood up and walked down the path in the middle of town. It led to a house, one that he needed to go to. He had been in this portal for around a week. The people there called it Oak Town, but Aiden thought that was dumb so he called it Not Town to make them mad.
He had met most of the citizens in the town, seeing as it was an extremely small town, but he had grown close with one in particular. His name was Bee and he had a best friend named Dreamii who he swore existed, and was spelled so odd.
He walked inside the building. It was a large house, with huge windows that almost covered the whole wall.
As he walked in he could smell the baked potatoes Bee had been cooking in the furnace.
"Hey! Aiden!" Bee smiled at Aiden. "Welcome back, I got you that flint and steel, it sure is odd-looking!" Bee held up a pair of flint and steel with a yellow glow to them. "Be safe. And come back later! If you can." Bee held out the flint and steel and gave it to Aiden.
"Thank you!" Aiden smiled at Bee. "I'll try my best to come back."
He knew that was a lie. Out of the thousands of portals he had gone through, he knew this was going to be no different. He'd leave, forget, and keep going.
He'd do that until he got home.

Portal Hall - Aiden MCSM FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu