Old Friends

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Tw: manipulation/ guilt tripping

Dream never noticed the breakdown I had. I wasnt even hiding it that well. As much as I wanted to vent to him, I couldn't bring myself to pile my troubles on someone I love. Whatever I do today, has to be at Lmanburg. I need to find out what's going on, and if I dont get an answer then things wouldn't go well for anyone. It was a perfect day to leave the house too, mainly because everyone was heading out as well. George was going hunting, along with Sapnap. And Dream was preparing weapons. I didn't know why he was though. Maybe keeping secrets from me was the best thing people were doing recently. Soon enough me, George and Sapnap split up and I made it to Lmanburg. The flag was still raised high, and was waving majestically. It really brought a nice feeling to my heart. To see how well Lmanburg was standing after everything, was just heart warming, I loved seeing my home shining beautifully.

I walked in through the gate making it to the door of Tommy's room when I heard a bunch of men talking. It sounded like Will and Tommy, along with someone else. The man didnt sound familiar at all but that wasn't important right now. I need to find out what they're keeping from me. "So then we can have him endorse us for the election." Wilbur said. An election? What is he talking about? "See fella's, this is an amazing plan but, I dont really like where some of this is going." The mystery man said. "What do you mean Big Q?" Tommy asked. "Well ya see... you guys are the only party running, and Wilbur, that just doesn't seem fair. We need someone else for the people to elect." He said with confidence. "How about I run against you? My party will be SWAG2020 baby!!" The man yelled loudly but was quickly shushed. That's when I walked in to throw them off. "Hey guys, what's up?" I say energetically. I look at Wilbur, hes a nervous wreck. Wil scratched his neck in ability to hide what was just going on. "Oh nothing, just discussing some changes being made to Lmanburg." Tommy said in order to break the silence. "Oh." I replied simply. And then they went to work silently. The mystery man was obviously the most invested. Whatever election was planned, wouldn't go well for Wil.


After a couple of hours of sitting doing absolutely nothing, I walked through the woods to go home. Now that I've got enough information, I can maybe connect the dots and find out everything. As I was walking, I heard footsteps behind me. So I turned my head slightly. "Hello? I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The man said. "No, not at all." I replied. "Anyways I was wondering, will you consider voting for my party?" I looked at the man with confusion. Why would I agree to someone I just met? I stayed silent. "Before you say no, I need you to reconsider." He said, in hopes to persuade me. I nodded for him to go on, because I really was intrigued in what this has to do with me. "I know how you're feeling lately about Wilbur and Tommy... by the way they treat you like shit and you take it. Why do you do that to yourself?" Not a word came out of my mouth.  "Go on, tell me." I felt tears in my eyes, which made me think of my breakdown last night. I proceeded to reply though. "Because they're like family to me and I'm sorry if I think they need space." I said angrily. "Oh come on, your so much better than that. You think real friends would keep secrets?" He said. He wasn't wrong. Are they really my friends? That was the thought that replayed over and over. I cant overthink yet, I should continue to listen. "If you vote for my party in the upcoming election, I will make sure you get your home back and I can keep promises, believe me." He held his hand out towards me in order to make the deal. Without thinking, I shook his hand. I dont know what was going on in my head, but I did it. His grin grew wide and he had an evil laugh. "The names Quackity, Big Q for short and let me tell you young lady, you just made the best choice you will ever make in your entire life, trust me on this one." He finally let go of my hand and waved to me before turning on his feet and walking back to Lmanburg. "Oh yeah, not a word said about this conversation." He said in more of a demanding way. I nodded, and continued to walk home to my significant other.

What did I just do? I thought to myself. I mean, I knew I wasnt having a good week and it just got a whole lot worse. I really need to start thinking about the decisions I make because they always end up being the worst thing I ever do. But he promised my home back. Again. Overthinking isn't what I should be doing right now. I should be having fun. I'm 19 for God's sake, I'm an adult, why can't I do the right thing? I have to tell Dream. I cant bare to hide things from him anymore. Its putting me in a bad situation. I hope he understands and that he'll be supportive. I really need it right now. Hopefully hes not busy either. I hate bothering him. It makes me feel like a burden.

I was overthinking so much, I almost hadn't even noticed that I made it to the house. The last I saw him, he was in the armour and equipment room. So I checked there, and he was no where to be found. So I checked his room.. nope, not there. Then I checked my room. It was like my prayers had been answered because he was there. He was asleep in my bed. The poor guy didnt sleep last night. I walked over to him in his sleepy state and tucked him in. When I was done I place a small kiss on his cheek and walked out of the room.

I guess the news can wait for tomorrow.


A/n: hey shawtys. I hope y'all like this one because I wrote half of this offline then when I went to finish this chapter, all the new words had been deleted so I redid it to the best of my ability. Hope you guys enjoy and were #2 in the Lmanburg category which is crazy. Have a nice day or night shawtys.

Words: 1140


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