The Past: Chuuya and Dazai's Discovery

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So I felt like I should try to better explain this story. I have like no idea how schooling went for Atsushi or really anyone in bsd. Like through all the flash backs they go through there's never even one mention of school or some type of educating system. It might be explained in the manga but I haven't read it yet so I'm at a loss. Then I got the idea for this story ヽ(^。^)ノ. Well actually I had the idea for a while it just wasn't a full idea. I just liked the idea of a high school type of au. Moving on, the title may look like it has nothing to do with the story but my reasoning for it is corresponds with the book itself. Basically, I remember watching tinker bell when I was younger (lmao don't judge me) and I was thinking about when she met her sister and they had like crystallized flowers and stuff. That kind of made me think of my perception of Akutagawa's feelings in this story. So their like kind of crystallized as a defense, do you get what I mean? Idk I guess you'll see (#^.^#). I don't necessarily wanna start the first chapter off transitioning from when he was 12 then jumping to 16, so that's why I'm making this little summary of when they were younger, just so that your not completely confused next chapter. This takes place 6 years prior to Dazai and Atsushi's meeting according to the manga and anime (though after this arc the story will take place 3 years before the anime does making Atsushi 15). The catch is while Atsushi is 12 and Akutagawa 14 like they should be at this current moment in time. Dazai and Chuuya are bordering on 19 rather than being 16. (a lot of peoples ages will be different, you could always just guess them yourself but this is how I have it set up.) So try to keep that in mind, I just don't see Dazai raising a 12 year old while he's 16 making that much sense. At least not for the way the story plays out.

~Three years prior

    Atsushi had gotten kicked out of the orphanage at the age of 12. For about a little over a month he roamed around looking for someone to be kind enough to take him in. A couple people had done so but because of his ability that still wasn't under control they had all kicked him out as well. Being so young he couldn't handle not eating for as long. He had collapsed in an alley in yokohama. It wasn't necessarily a good place for a child to be given how sketchy it seemed. When he had started to come to, he heard loud noises. Sitting up and letting his ears adjust he realized it was the sound of bullets being fired rapidly.

   He began to panic immediately shooting up and trying to get away from the sound. Yet somehow he managed to run right towards it. He stopped as he saw an older looking boy with ginger colored hair seemingly fly into the sky. He stood frozen as his eyes locked on the several people shooting at him. He didn't know this person but, he was sure he didn't deserve to be shot at. He fixed his gaze back on the boy seeing that he was standing on the side of a building. That wasn't what shocked him tho, even tho all the bullets had came directly at him and hit him, he was still standing. He hadn't even moaned in pain or changed his facial expression.

  Atsushi was sure that the stranger would die any second now. The stranger jumped off the side of the building and that's when atsushi thought he was gonna die. But then he kicked his leg out and swung it forward. Suddenly, all the bullets that were thought to have pierced his skin came flying back towards the shooters. Atsushi was stunned, sure he hadn't seen any blood when the bullets made contact but there was no way he could've dodged and collected them, he had never moved...

   It was then that he noticed there was another man. He seemed to look the same age as the other, although he was taller. He has brown hair and bandages on his wrists. He could see some around his neck as well. He was just standing in the middle of the gun fire. He hadn't even made a move to take down the shooters or shoot back. Yet, somehow he wasn't injured at all... Realizing that he stumbled upon something far more dangerous then he'd expected he turned getting ready to run again.

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