3 shots and a few drinks later I was feeling wonderful. Not drunk because I hate the feeling. We were having some much fun and I really needed to let loose with my girls. Of course the guys weren't far away since they got here after us but we had separate sections. I danced with a couple guys and sent them on their way because I was just trying to enjoy myself. Eventually we made our way up to VIP where there was nothing but smoke and bottles. I went and sat next to Dave who was mellow which meant eyes low and red with a cup of Henny. I was dancing in my seat not really paying to attention to much when I looked and saw a glossy eyed Dave looking at me.

I scrunched up face and mouth what. He shook his head nothing and took another pull off the blunt. He looked so good with the fresh cut and cologne had me mesmerized. The rest of the night I danced with the girls and crashed once we got back to the house.

The next morning

I woke and looked at my phone to see it was 10:30 am and look over at the couch to see Dave still sleep. I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and my face and put on some slippers. As I walking out I noticed a slight raise in the blanket the covered Dave. I put a little pep in my step and went out the door.

When I got downstairs Reyna and Asia were in the living room.

"Morning ya'll up early"

"Jamar as snores so bad when he be drunk" I laughed at Asia looking so annoyed

"I'm waiting on Juan so we can head to see the kids and his family"

I shook my head "You nervous"

"Yea I just don't want no drama with ol girl"

"Call us if need be"

"Thanks hopefully it be good"

"One of ya'll got a charger I can use I refuse to go back in my room right now" Asia asked

"Yea I got one let me go get it" I said and walked into the room

I didn't see Dave but I heard the shower and heard a few grunts "Fuck" he said

I hurried out the room and saw that Reyna was gone. Asia and I talked until everyone came down. Ever since Dave came down he has had the worse attitude.

"Ya'll niggas ready? We going to be late" he said in his raspy voice

"Here this nigga go with this attitude" Devin said

"Aiight we coming" J said while giving Lonnie a kiss

The Guys

After the meeting with a potential seller we went to check on the shop and now heading back to the house.

"Yo you got one more time to snap on me. After it's me and you" Devin said while driving

Dave sat in the back with a blunt to his lips. "Leave him alone you know he got blue balls" J said while laughing

"Damn my boy ain't getting no play" Jamar asked

"Hell no he not. How does it feel to be staying in the same room with your ex and can't do shit"

"I ain't had no pussy since the last time with Kori"

J whipped his head to look at Dave "Over a year my nig"

"Yea I won't really feeling some of these females out here they for everybody"

"I feel you on that" Jamar said

"Damn you surprised me so you was just getting head from Sade" Devin asked

"Yea shit the way she acting you would've thought I fucked"

"Her crazy ass came by the shop demanding to speak with you and wanted your new number"

"Well I had to nip that in the bud"

"Heard ju" they said knowing what I meant

"I still can't believe Kareem ol snake ass knowing he was only suppose to keep an eye on Kori not end up between her legs"

Dave got mad all over again "I told him just stay in the cut don't speak to her and he ends up catching feelings"

"Does Kori know where he is" Devin asked

"Naw and going to keep it that way she said she had been calling and texting him. I deleted his number from her phone"

We got back to the house and the girls were in the pool drinking and had ordered a taco bar. All of us had the munchies so we gladly partake in it.

As we were discussing the drop for tomorrow Lonnie, Asia and Yani came over. J smacked Reyna ass "Shit all nice and wet" he said and Reyna looked horrified

"Omg J"

"What all them nasty too and get some well except for this nigga" J said looking at me and Dave gave him the middle finger

"What Kori over there doing" Devin asked

"On the phone with her baby"

Dave rolled his eyes "Dave jealous of his own son" Yani said while everyone laughed

"Yani if you don't get your duck head ass on somewhere"

"Not my fault mister grumpy pants

"Sorry ya'll DJ said he a nightmare" Kori said walking over

"Awww he such the cutest thing" Asia smiled

"He just wanted an excuse to call you. He does it all the time" I said

"You're just mad he ain't call you"

"Yea aiight" she looked at me and rolled her eyes

"Something wrong with yo eyes"

"Nope" she said and rolled them eyes

"Aw shit" J said


"Ya'll want some more tacos before we start cleaning up" Lonnie asked

"Naw we good"

"What is wrong with Dave" Asia asked

"Who knows with him it could be anything but he not about to have an attitude with me because he got another thing coming. I am not the one"

"You talking mad shit I hear" I looked behind me as Dave was approaching

"Ain't nobody worried about you" I had turned back around and felt his breathe on my neck

"You still like to talk shit I see"

"You are so irritating" I said and walked away

The rest of the trip I barely talked to Dave and was so happy when I got back home. 

I Hate You But I Love You (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now