Leon Thomas / The Phase Streak

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First of all, I'm glad to announce my OC Leon Thomas he is probably my best OC of all time. But enough of this let's go on to the information.


Job: Superhero/CSI

Suit: A black and white suit with a white lightning bolt.

Powers: Super Speed, Super Strength

Super Speed abilities: Speed Force, Phasing, speed Punching, Wall Running, Speed Mirage, Speed Healing, Voice Changing, Tornadoes, Water Running, Air Cushion, Speed Reading, Time Remnants, Throw Lightning, Time Travel, Multiverse Travel, Flash Time, and Traveling at Light Speed. 

Friends: Tustin Cole, Carly Abigail.

Family: Raymond Cult, Wally Cult, Lydia Thawne.

Earth: 943

Inspiration: The Flash

This is taking place in the CW DC universe.

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