Chapter Thirty-Nine - Titans East, Part One

Start from the beginning

    Something is suddenly flung at Beast Boy and the call ends, the letter 'T' flashing on the screen. Cyborg pushes a button and the T-Car hovers in the air, before moving over to the water. The T-Car zooms towards the Titans' home--a T-shaped tower similar to ours.

    "Maybe they already know," Cyborg says, looking at me.

    I only shrug in response.

    Once we reach their tower, the T-Car stops hovering. Cyborg parks it and we quickly get out, heading to the door. My hand attacks the door, knocking only four times before the door falls forward. I look at Cyborg and raise my eyebrow at him, and he steps forward in front of me.

    "Hello?" I call out. When there's no answer, I say, "You have visitors!"

    "Place looked better on the outside, but nothing a little elbow grease can't fix," Cyborg states, looking around in mild disgust, which quickly turns to extreme disgust as a piece of metal flies from behind him, headed towards the other side of the room. "Make that a truckload of elbow grease."

    "Agreed," I say. "This place looks terrible."

    "Fish tacos?!?" Aqualad's distant voice rings out. "What were you thinking?"

    "I'm gonna run ahead," I tell Cyborg, now hovering in the air. "You examine the..." I look around and circle the room with my finger, "yeah. Bye!"

    "I'm from the ocean! These were probably friends of mine!"

    "You said 'get lunch', I got lunch. Chow down," a familiar voice replies, and I find the room as a redhead with a mask similar to that of Robin shoves a taco into his mouth.

    "Some friends if you can't even recognise them," I call out. Aqualad narrows his eyes at me, and I add, "Kidding. Of course."

    Aqualad's expression quickly turns to a relieved one, and he smiles at me. "Ember! You guys made it."

    "Hi there," Speedy says smoothly, a small grin seemingly etched on his face.

    Aqualad clears his throat, and I glance back at the telepath. "Ember, this is Speedy. Speedy, Ember."

    I nod at Speedy, before smiling at Aqualad. "Thanks. We've met before." I turn to the archer, offering him my hand. "Nice to see you," I say civilly.

    Speedy eyes my hand suspiciously, before taking it in his and shaking it. "The pleasure's all mine," he replies, and I struggle to free my hand of the embrace.

    "Tacos de pescado!" someone yells, and I whip around to see two young boys, around twelve years old, run into the room, towards the food.

    "Delicioso!" the second boy says, as they both pull out tacos, driving Aqualad mental. Speedy pulls out a hand mirror and begins to adjust his hair, and I hold back a snort.

    "All right. The sensor grid's up on level four, and--" I turn around to see Bumblebee deflate as she glances around the room. "Well, don't you fellas look comfy," she remarks. "Come on, guys! This Tower isn't gonna build itself!" She flies over to Speedy, pointing the drill in his direction. "And that's a super computer, not a footstool!"

    He doesn't move his feet, instead choosing to cross his arms and glare at Bumblebee. "Thanks, Mum."

    "Can't work..." Aqualad mutters, a tear working its way down his face, "tacos."

    "That's why I'm here, Bee," I say, and Bumblebee turns around to me.

    "Ember! I didn't see you there!" She looks around, eyes turning to slits as she eyes the exits. "Where's Sparky?"

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