"Oh, it's-"

She cut him off. "Are you trying to figure it out?"

"It's something that I was going to go over for my class-"

She glared at him.

"Erm... yes."

"I've told you, Rory's told you, we've all told you- don't try."


"It's not your job and it's not something any of us would be able to adequately express to you."

"But just hearing that makes me feel worse, like I need to prove myself."

"Don't try," Ashley responded. "That's an order. You aren't going to figure it out and you're only going to make yourself feel embarrassed and disappointed and angry. And I do not want to have to deal with that."

"Okay, fine."

"I want you to mean that."

Dakota glowered at the sheet of paper, and it dissolved, bits of fluff falling to the floor. "I mean it."

"Good," Ashley responded. "Now, I'm going to go out and put up some signs. I'll see you later."

"Wait!" Dakota cried. "Let Rory do that. I want to talk to you."

"And why would you want to do that?"

Dakota rolled his eyes. "Because I haven't seen you since you left."

She shrugged. "That was ten days ago. Long time no see."

"Rory's obnoxious."

"We all are."

"Not Mira," he replied instantly.

"You haven't seen Mira for years. How would you remember what she's like?"

"I treasure every memory. It's been much too long."

Rory stomped down the stairs and headed straight for the door. He glared pointedly at Dakota, completely ignoring Ashley, and left the room.


"I guess..." Ashley trailed off. "I still don't understand what the difference is."

"Well, maybe you're missing something."

She scoffed. "This conversation is rapidly becoming tiring." When Dakota didn't reply, she shook her head, swishing a few strands of hair out of her face, and sighed.

"What did you even do?" Dakota finally asked.

"I moved all the stuff out of the apartment, didn't tell the neighbors, closed the windows, locked the door, put the mirror in the bathtub, and left."

"So there's just the mirror case in there now?"

She shook her head. "I left just as the DIAO were opening the door. They took it. They're probably going to do fingerprints on it."

"What are you going to do with the apartment?"

"I own it," she responded. "It's mine. And I'll make sure they won't sell it or anything. Get Lindsey or someone over to buy it if the building tries to do something with it. I'll probably just leave it, though. I can't go back- the DIAO has it under surveillance. But I still have the key." She began digging in her pocket, then produced a small silver key.

"So you're compromised," Dakota surmised.

"And that is your fault," she snapped. "Yes, I'm now compromised, and now we have the entire situation with Galena."

"What situation?"

"She's really torn. At this point she probably feels like I chose myself over her. I'm worried about how she'll react if she ever sees me again," Ashley explained wistfully. "I would obliterate, if I could, but-"

"Wouldn't that work fine?"

"She'd remember. And, at this point, it might drive her insane. Though at least she knows Lillian."

"Oh, she's- wait, really?" Dakota wondered, cocking his head.

"Just as much as you and Lillian," Ashley responded. "You saw her eye twitching when you escaped. She and Lillian have been in contact with each other, telling each other when their eyes twitch. They think you're doing it on purpose."

Dakota snorted. "Why?"

"To mess with them. Lillian thinks it's because you know who she is, and Galena thinks it's because you know I'm her mother."

"It's a theory," Dakota replied, raising an eyebrow.

"They both have a long way to go."

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