Chapter 2: Hospitals Suck

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The sound of Ivan's crying coming from the baby monitor woke me up again tonight but before I could get out of bed there was movement from Zayn's side of the bed and the sound of him quickly making his way out the room to Ivan's made me smile lightly.

"Hey baby boy its alright daddy's gotcha." I heard Zayn's voice whisper through the baby monitor. I smiled and the bedroom door was opened again and a still lightly crying Ivan was carried in by Zayn. I slightly sat up and smiled as Zayn sat beside me softly rocking Ivan.

"You should get some sleep babe you've been up practically all night." Zayn said worriedly as he continued rocking Ivan in his arms.

"So have you. I'll be fine. I promise." I replied and he lightly nodded before turning his attention to Ivan who was still lightly crying.

"I think he's hungry."

"Again? He ate not even an hour ago." I checked the clock to confirm that my thought was right. I sighed seeing that it was and he should've been fine and still asleep now. So what was bothering him?

"He can't be hungry something else is wrong." I explained to Zayn and he looked at me then down at Ivan concerned.

"It can't be his diaper. I already checked that. Shh it's okay booger." Zayn tried soothing our son who continued crying.

"Here let me see him." I held my hands out and Zayn placed the baby in my arms.

"Hey sweetie what's wrong with mommy's baby?" I said in a soft voice as I lightly rocked him in my arms. I lightly pushed the small hair on his head back and felt how hot his skin was.

"Zayn feel how hot he is." I took Zayn's hand and placed it against Ivan's forehead. His eyes widen slightly and he looked up at me.

"I'll go get the thermometer." I nodded and continued to rock Ivan in an attempt to soothe him. Zayn came back with the thermometer and, with a little trouble, eventually got it in place under Ivan's tongue. We both continued to try to comfort our still crying child and the sound of small beeps added to the seemingly chaos of noise. Zayn looked down at the recorded temperature on the thermometer.

"102.3°. We've gotta get him the hospital before it gets any higher." I nodded in agreement as he took Ivan from my arms and I changed into sweatpants and one of Zayn's hoodies. I took Ivan from Zayn's hands and lightly rocked him as I watched Zayn quickly dress. Throwing his clothes on in record time before he grabbed our phones and we made our way out the hall after preparing the baby bag with diapers, wipes, and other necessities.

The car ride to the Emergency Room of the children's hospital was relatively far and the feeling of driving had eventually soothed Ivan enough to let him rest for a little bit. Arriving at the ER Zayn and I got out the car and paid the valet parking cost in order to get Ivan into the ER quicker. Okay it's obvious we may have been a little too panicked but you'd be in a frantic rush too if your child was crying because of a stomach ache or something and he couldn't tell you the problem himself.

"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Malik just fill these out and the doctor will be with you guys as soon as possible." The receptionist instructed kindly and we nodded before sitting down in the waiting room. I smiled lightly at Ivan as he slept, but the redness in his face and still small whimpers were noticable.

"Okay I've filled out all I know love. I need you for the rest." Zayn said handing me the packet of papers and pen given to us. I laughed as the only thing Zayn put was our names and Ivan's name. He lightly chuckled as well.

"I don't know how to feel about you not knowing any medical information on our child." I joked as I filled everything out and found needed medical and security cards that I had grabbed on the way out the house.

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