"Why thankyou darling" The grey-eyed boy said, pushing his way off the bed. "HEY COME BACK" Draco looked at the limp girl on his bed, she was tired he could see it on her face.

"I'm going to shower, take a nap love, we are going to the garden after I get out. So rest until then." Raven gently threw her head back onto the pillow, and in a hushed voice she let out one word.

"Ok" Minutes later the toned boy made his way out of his large bathroom, hot steam streaming out behind him. He looked at his large king bed only to see his girl fast asleep with her head in the covers.

"Love?" Draco whispered so quietly it was almost silent. She still slept, covered by the huge duvet blanket. He let her sleep, he knew that his girl had hardly slept let alone eat sometimes. After he was dressed he laid down beside her, grabbing her head and as lightly as he could placing it on his chest. She slung her arm around his waist and let out a

'I'm waking up' sigh

"Time to go my love" Draco let out while pulling her upwards so she was sitting in his arms.

"Ok one minute" Raven said while standing up and making her way to the bathroom "I look horrible, we can't go'' Draco didn't reply. He walked up behind her and put his arms around the short girl's waist now towering over her back.

"You look amazing, let's go" Draco now, pulling her out of the bathroom and into his room.

"FINE" Raven groaned "I need to put my shoes on" As she did that, Draco watched. Then Raven said "I can feel you staring at me Draco, what is it?"

Draco just said "Because I am the luckiest guy ever, I am dating the little Weasley girl that I fell in love with in year one." Draco made this little putty face, knowing that Raven was the only girl that ever made him feel this loved.

"Awee my Draco has gone soft just for me" Draco didn't hesitate to answer Raven's comment.

"Only for you darling. Let's go" Draco held out his hand for the freckle covered girl to grab.

"Ok love" She said quietly, grabbing his hand, and off they went.

"Come on my love, it's just down through here." He continued "Right here" Draco directed his girl to this beautiful area in the garden right by a huge fountain resting on a tree. The water was clear but when it hit the base it went white. Every now and then there would be little splashes of water hit their faces and they would laugh together. Not long after, maybe an hour or two of talking. It was getting dark and they were getting tired. Draco lifted Raven into his strong built arms.

"We going to bed?" Raven asked "Yes darling"

As they arrived into Draco's room, Draco made his way over to the large bed in the middle of the dark room and placed Raven down at the end of the bed. After that, he turned to make his way to his bathroom when a familiar hand placed itself on his arm. "Where are you going, love?" Raven said tiredly.

"To grab you water babe" He responded.

"Thanks" Raven blushed at the thought of Draco's soft spot for her.

"What are you on about Missy?" Draco caught Raven blushing and staring at him. He knew she was thinking about her, it wasn't unusual. They were obsessed with each other. Inseparable. Raven snapped out of her daze and responded

"Just thinking" Draco made it over to Raven's side of the bed and placed the glass of water on the bedside table. But soon Raven noticed something else beside it. A little emerald box with a mat black bow on top. "What's this?" Raven asked, turning over to face the tall boy sitting beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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