Sweet Love

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My story has began....

This one girl lied on his mind, day in and day out. All he thought about was just her. Who's this girl you are all probably wondering, her name as beautiful as the sun. Raven was her name, Raven Weasley, she was beautiful with her long red hair, and unlike her siblings. Her emerald green eyes that you could just get lost in. He knew it was wrong to love the Gryffindor princess. He was a Slytherin, the Slytherin prince, and the two rivaling houses could never mix. So he thought at the time.

It was a Saturday, it was raining but the sun still shined bright. Raven loved these days, she loved to go up to the astronomy tower, or down to the courtyard and feel the rain fall down her blushy pink cheeks.

 "Beautiful" she said to herself while sitting in the rain with her book in her hands. 

"She truly is'' Raven heard a voice say, "May I?" The mysterious boy said. 

"Uhm sure?" She said not knowing who was speaking to her, until she looked up from her book to see the boy she had hated but also secretly loved at the same time. This boy was him, Draco Malfoy. "Oh... It's you" she hesitated before saying "I can leave'' while gathering herself to get up. But soon felt the strong grip of the blond boy pulling her back down by her waist. 

"No! Stay." His right hand stayed locked at her waist, but then he quickly realized and removed his hand, Raven sat there with a slight smile before she let out a slight chuckle. She was interrupted with a low voice near her ear saying "Don't you dare laugh." She laughed anyways, she didn't care. She looked over at him only to see him annoyed.

"You're cute when you're mad" Raven chuckled again before standing up and beginning to walk away. It was about 10 seconds before she felt those familiar hands on her lower forearm. 

"This isn't over'' He said flustered. Draco watched her walk away. "She will be mine" He quietly said to himself before walking in the opposite direction of his one love.

"I think about her all the time," Draco told his best friend Blaise. 

"She's a Gryffindor, it would never work between you two" Draco hesitated before answering Blaise's response. 

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT" Draco took a deep breath before continuing "She's on my mind all of the time, and I think I might love her. But I don't know if she feels the same, and I have never felt this way for anyone before."

Blaise watched as he saw Draco's chest rise and fall in angst, he didn't know what to do. Draco was quick to jump in and for the first time ask his best friend for advice. 

"What do I do?" He questioned.

"For one, she's hot, and for two she's mysterious to you. Figure her out, ask her questions. Get closer to her." Blaise said with enthusiasm. Draco turned when he heard faint footsteps coming down the hallway, it was a Saturday so most people were out at Hogsmeade. Draco turned to his right when he heard the girl's beautiful voice. 

"Hello boys!" Taking a second to look up from her book, just long enough to flash a wink towards Draco. Then went back to reading her book. 

"Go get her" Blaise slightly whispered into Draco's ear while shoving him forward. 

"Ok Ok" Draco Chuckled in annoyance.

"Raven wait!" Draco yelled while trying to catch up to the slow pace girl who was far ahead of him. 

"Yes Malfoy" Raven smiled into the pages of her book, whilst peeking over the top edge of it to hide the smile and the red blush rushing to her cheeks. 

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