Chapter one

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So, this is my new story, as you can see. I hope you'll like it as much as I do so far. Also, it's a boyxboy story, so please, if you don't like it don't read it.
Ps; picture is Abel, I don't know his name, he's just a random guy I found, but he's cute, so why not ? :)

Abel's POV

,,Do I really have to go?" I whined and my girlfriend, Alex, smacked me in the back of my head.

,,Yes, you have to go. You promised, remember?" She said and I rolled my eyes. I promised just because I didn't want her to go here by herself and get raped and killed by some psycho. Okay, now I was exaggerating, but still. You never know what happens at these parties.

,,I know, I know. Is it really that important?" I asked in hopes that she'll change her mind. I wasn't much of a partying type. People always get awfully drunk.

,,Yea, it's important. Sam just came back from Mexico yesterday and I haven't seen him for about half a year."

,,Okay, fine," I gave up. Alex did a victory dance and I rolled my eyes again.

,,What are you waiting for? Let's get you ready," She chirped as she dragged me into my walk-in closet and I mentally groaned. This is gonna be a long day.


,,Can you at least try not to look like you're gonna die from boredom?" Alex said as she lightly elbowed me.

,,But I am dying from boredom," I pouted.

,,Hey, Alex, you came," Somebody said from behind me.

,,Sam," She yelled and slung her arms around said person's neck. ,,Of course I came, I haven't seen you almost half a year."

,,It was that long? I haven't even realized," this Sam said. ,,And who's your little friend?" He asked and looked at me. I was about to complain about how I'm not little when Alex started talking again.

,,This is my boyfriend, Abel. I told you about him. We've been together for five months now. What about you? You found yourself someone out there?"

,,Oh, hi Abel, nice to meet ya, I heard a lot about you," He told me and held out his hand.

,,Yeah, nice to meet you too, Sam," I replied and took his hand in mine. I quickly pulled away as tingles shot up my arm. I didn't pay any more attention to it though.

,,And back to your question, Alex, no, I haven't found anyone. But I don't really care, I'm not into relationships that much," He said and shrugged.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by Sam, who handed me a bottle of beer.

,,I, uh, I don't drink, but thanks," I said and went to give it back to him, but he pushed my hand away.

,,One beer won't kill you," He told me. ,,And if you want to have fun, you'll need more than one," He joked and I laughed.

,,Fine, but I'm not getting drunk tonight, I'm driving, I have to be responsible," I said more to myself.

,,Well, I'm not so I can get drunk," She said and took my beer from my hand, then walked away, probably to find her friends.

,,You can sleep over if you want," Sam offered. ,,Then you could get drunk with us, and boy I'm planning to," He said and laughed.

,,Yeah, thanks, but no, I have to be home till morning, and I don't want to risk my mom's patience. I once came home drunk and I was grounded for a month," I explained.

,,Really?" He asked in disbelief.

,,Yeah, she's pretty strict about alcohol. Dad was an alcoholic, so it does make sense."

,,Sorry to hear about your dad."

,,You don't have to, he was just a selfish bastard anyway. He used to beat my mom and me, but he's in a jail now, so we're okay," I said and he just looked at me like I was crazy.

,,Dude, that's horrible," He said, but I just shook my head.

,,Nah, it wasn't that bad. And it's over now, so why stress about it?"

,,Right. Well, since Alex stole your drink, I'll go get you another one," He said and I wanted to tell him not to, but he was already gone. I sighed to myself and looked around. It was actually pretty nice here. I wondered if Sam lives here alone and mentally noted to ask him when he returns.

,,Here's your drink," Sam said when he appeared again with beer bottles in both hands. He handed me one and I took it. It was already opened, so I took a sip and made a disgusted face. Sam laughed at me and I glared at him.

,,You really don't drink much, don't you?" He asked.

,,I told you, I have to be responsible," I said.

,,You'll get used to it eventually, it's just a matter of time," he stated.

,,Yeah, I think so," I said and took another sip. It wasn't that bad this time, but it still tasted like shit.

,,So, Mexico huh?" I said awkwardly, not quite sure what else to say. His eyes lit up though.

,,Yeah, it was amazing, like you can't even imagine," he exclaimed.

,,Yeah, I believe that," I said and smiled.

,,Hey guys, we're playing truth or dare, are you in?" Alex asked as she stormed in.

,,Of course we are," Sam said and before I got the chance to say no he was dragging me somewhere. I guess there's no way out of it now.
How'd you guys liked the first chapter? Please let me know what you think about it :)

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