A New Vampire

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Claire's Point of View

I felt myself waking, but I groaned clutched what I thought was my pillow. "No, leave me alone." I said. Then I felt a burning sensation in my throat, and the worst headache I have ever had and then everything came rushing back; the text, talking to Amelie, then Amelie biting me and feeding my her blood.

I opened my eyes, then closed them. Too bright. I opened my eyes again and sat up and looked around and saw Amelie stood by her desk, holding a bag of red juice. It's just red juice. She walked forward and dropped it by me.

"Drink that, and I will tell you why I changed you for." She said. I shook my head.

"No, tell me now." I said. I attempted to stand and got an extreme case of dizziness and would have fallen, if it was not for one of Amelie's statue guards catching me.

"You won't be able to concentrate. Drink it now." Amelie said, or rather ordered. The guard picked up the bag and gave it me. I took it, like it had germs on and felt something in my mouth. I felt inside and pricked my finger on my teeth. No fangs. The burning in my throat got worse, so I sighed and ripped the bag and drank it like that.

When I was finished and the red juice, kind of everywhere, Amelie took the bag and threw it in the bin.

"It has came to my attention, that your mortal life is in danger." She started.

"Isn't it always?"

"Let me finish." Amelie said. I sighed. "Someone has been stalking you and plans to kill you."

"So... I'm dead because of a stalker?" I asked, not believing.

"Claire, if you would let me finish, then I will tell you." Amelie said, looking a little irritated.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Fine..."

"This person is a vampire and has been tracking you. Oliver noticed first and didn't warn you, because if you found out then he could kill you. He is not a new vampire and I don't know what he has against you. So I changed you, so when he finally does catch up to him before Oliver or any of my guards you will have a better chance of surviving him." Amelie said. Why would anyone want to kill me? Well, one idea is that I work for the vampires maybe he doesn't like that. Or maybe because I have a connection to Shane?

"Do you know who he is?" I asked, shifting position.

"No. Just that he likes to dress in black. No-one has saw his face, but he is good at blending in." Amelie replied.

"Right, well, uh, I shouldn't thank you, because Shane will hate me now, as he has only just got over Michael being a vampire and will tell me off or something, for not running from you or something, so I shall go home now and speak with Michael." I said, getting my bag. I turned but the guards blocked the door.

"About that. You need to stay with me. New vampires find it... Difficult... to begin with. And if Shane loves you, as I have seen, it won't matter whether you are human or vampire." Amelie said.

"I don't think so. Michael can help me and you don't know that Shane won't break up with me on the spot. Now let me out." I said, not really meaning to be bossy, but I guess I get that off Eve.

"No. Your staying with me. I shall inform your roommates. You'll be safer with me." Amelie said, with a finality in her tone and nodded to her guards. "Take her to my house."

"No, wait I have to talk to Michael!" I said, struggling against the vampire guards, but they dragged me out and into the car anyways. Then they got in and drove until we got to a large two-storey house. They parked in the garage and opened the door and dragged me into the house and up the stairs to a sea green large room, with a four poster bed with blue curtains and blue glittery sheets and pillows. I stopped struggling and just stared. The guards went out and closed the door, locking it.

"Hey! Hey, wait, let me out!" I pulled on the handle and banged on the door, but obviously to no success. I threw a chair against the black tinted window, but it just bounced off. This whole room is vampire proof. I sat down on the bed, wondering what I could do. I sighed and looked around the room.

The carpet is a fluffy sea-green colour and the curtains at the window (even though they aren't needed) are a deep blue colour. There isn't anything on the desk apart from a pot with pens and pencils.

I clutched the pillow and imagined what was happening back at the Glass House. Shane, shouting and demanding that he see me and very close to punching or staking someone, Eve, just as mad and shouting threats, maybe and Michael, maybe being held back by the guards to stop him from running out and going to look for me.

I sighed and rolled on my back. I listened to my surroundings, for something to do. I could hear the cooks downstairs, in the kitchen and the kitchen stuff clinking around. I hear nothing else, but then the door is unlocking and opens to reveal Amelie.

"Can I go yet?" I asked, standing up.

"No. I said you have to stay here. But, so you are not bored, you could either help clean the kitchen or help me." Amelie said.

"Um... No." I sighed and lay down again. Amelie came in and sat down on the chair, that was lying on the floor.

"Your roommates unsurprisingly, didn't take it well. But I have allowed them to come around tomorrow." Amelie said, picking imaginary fluff off her top.

"So? I'm still trapped here until my stalker is dead." I said, staring at the ceiling.

"Or locked up if you like. I know how much you value life." I turned to look at Amelie.

"Why did you really turn me? I know it's for stalker protection but there is more than that, isn't there?" I asked. Even though Amelie was basically emotionless most of the time, I had always thought that Amelie was hiding something.

Amelie sighed. "Oliver and I had a chat. Then Myrnin must have been eavesdropping. He said if I didn't turn you, then when you died of old age, or were killed he is going to take your brain and replace Franks."

"Why? I would be the perfect dead computer thingy, whatever." I huffed.

"Your smart. You saved us from the disease and everything that came after that. Also I was outmatched. It is not common Oliver and Myrnin agree on something, so I had to comply." Amelie said, then she took out a pencil and twirled it. She seemed to be doing everything other than looking at me.

"So just because Oliver and Myrnin agree, which wow, you decide to break me and Shane up?"

"I didn't. I already told you that Shane will love you no matter what. I didn't tell him about you becoming immortal. He just wanted to see you."

"Right." I went back to staring at the ceiling. Then I felt Amelie's gaze on me. "What am I supposed to do everyday then? I can't go outside other wise I burst into flames and become a pile of ash and helping you with work or cleaning the kitchen doesn't sound appealing." I played with a stray thread from the pillow.

"You have done things in life which are not appealing. But," Amelie sighed. "I can arrange escorts to bring you to Myrnin if you wish. Or you could help Oliver in the cafe. Your choice."

I looked over at her. "Can I go back home?"

"No. This house is protected. Black windows, lots of guards. I don't want anything to happen to you." Amelie said, then looked like she realised what she said. She stood up. "Do what you like today. Come to me with anything you want to do that does not involve the Glass House. Blood is in the fridge." Then she walked out of the room and closed the door but didn't lock it.

I didn't do anything, but clutch the pillow and thought of the Glass House.

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