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"We should be figuring out how to change faster." Kendall told them as Chloe moved out of the way as he kept putting his jacket on and taking it off "well, we're not going to do that by reading." James told him as Logan looked up at him "oh, and your backstage limbering methods are genius." He told him "hey, keep the muscles and vocal chords loose." James told him as they all pulled out lightsabers, James had a blue one while Kendall had a red one but what they didn't know was Chloe had a green one.

"Waow, waow." The boys started making the sound effects "quiet." Logan told them as Kendall jumped on the table and Chloe decided to join in "zsh, waow, Hey!" James yelled as Chloe began beating them both.

"We're back, let's go." Gustavo told them all as the boys handed her the lightsabers and ran towards the stage and love me love me was the song and right as it ended the boys ran in "we can do it." James told them running "street look!" Gustavo yelled.

"We've got to beat 3.9 seconds!" Kendall yelled as they all ran in and Chloe was standing with the two men again as they all watched them and looked at the stop watch "there not gonna make it." Chloe told them getting nervous but then they came out in exotic wear as Chloes eyes went wide as the two men next to her furrowed there brows "yeah, I said street look, not sheik look." Gustavo told them as the guys ran back in as they started the stop watch again.

"Come on, come on." Chloe said as she watched the stop watch and the guys came out again dressed in different colored sweatsuits as Chloe and the two men furrowed there brows again "yeah, that's the fresh beat look." Gustavo told them as the guys looked down at what they were wearing "unbelievable." Kendall said as they ran back in.

Pressing the stop watch again they waited "hopefully there in the right outfits." Chloe told the men as they nodded there heads but when they came out it was an outfit they already wore "yeah, that's the first look. But wear it again before you kill yourselves." Gustavo told them clapping his hands as he was rolled away.

The guys then looked at them as the guy showed them the stop watch "12.6?" He told them as Chloe shrugged and the boys stomped there feet "okay, we need to work on getting limber er." James told them pulling out double the color of lightsabers as he handed the blue ones to Kendall and he looked at Chloe "you better not!" He told her as she smirked pulling out her green lightsaber.

The three were then making a mess as they began fighting again as they jumped on the table as Kendall fought James, Chloe jumped over the couch as Kendall soon followed rolling over it as they got in Logan's way, James jumping after them "im trying to read." Logan told them.

"Let's go. Break over!" Gustavo told them as the boys ran out again as they started to sing you wanna be famous and Chloe decided to change into sweats instead of her dress and she was now standing next to Gustavo watching the boys on the screen as his phone started to ring as he handed it to Chloe "hello?" Chloe answered as she looked to Gustavo who shrugged "I need you to bring me a backstage pass. I got trapped outside the arena." Kelly told her and she couldn't hear her very well.

"You got slapped and you have amnesia?" Chloe asked as Gustavo looked to her with furrowed brows as she then shrugged "don't let the boys jump. The trampoline is going to break." Kelly told her as she couldn't hear her again "yeah, the trampoline looks great." Chloe told her as Gustavo then yelled at backstage guests "it looks a lot better if you're in your seats"

"No break. Break." Kelly told her as she put the phone down "are we taking a break?" Chloe asked as Gustavo nodded "yeah after this song we're taking a break." Chloe told her as Gustavo then took the phone "and remember your Kelly!" He told her as he threw the phone away.

"We can do this." James told them running in "street look." Gustavo told them once more as Chloe ran over watching the stop watch and then the guys came out as her eyes went wide as the man stopped the stop watch "3.9 seconds." He told them as the guys started to cheer as Chloe looked at them "yeah but you forgot your pants." Chloe told them as they all looked down.

"I thought I felt a draft." Kendall told them as the boys then headed back in and then they all came back out with pants "got to go." Logan and Carlos told them running away "perhaps to become legends, we should break a different record on the wall. Come on." Kendall told James as he pulled Chloe along.

"Okay, uh, high stage dive, red hot chili peppers, 25 feet." James told them as Gustavo wheeled by "the stage is only 20 feet high." Gustavo told them "oh, Snoop Dogg, largest beard of bees." Kendall told them as him and James got excited as Chloe turned to them and Gustavo came by "Carlos is allergic." They both told them.

"Okay, we can beat *NSYNCS record." Kendall told them as James sighed "yes, but not by reading word pages." He told them as they all turned towards Logan "they're called books, James, and they hold the answers to everything." Logan told him "oh, hmm, do they hold the answer to this?" James asked pulling out his lightsaber "waow."

"Don't. We need him." Kendall told him as they walked away as Gustavo called them again "let's go." He told them as they walked over "your stupid toys." Gustavo told them as they handed them over "and all of you, smile. Your fans showed up tonight to see their onstage idols, not backstage idiots." Gustavo told them as a man popped up behind him "maybe they've come to see both." Chloe and the man told him as the boys then were on the stage singing boyfriend.

And then the boys finished city is ours as they ran in "elevate look." Gustavo told them as they went running but stopped "wait. This is our last chance to beat NSYNCS record, and we haven't figured out the secret of quick changing." Kendall told them "right. Let's all stay here and think about ways we could increase our clothes changing speed." James told them.

"Totally agree, ha ha ha, see ya!" Logan told them as him and Carlos ran away "I hate them." James told them as Chloe shook her head.

"But Big Time Rush will never be allowed to perform again in France." The man from before told Carlos as Chloe, Gustavo and the other walked up "what? What is going on here?" Gustavo asked "Carlos snuggled a cricket out of France, and we just got busted." Katie told them as Chloe furrowed her brows.

"How did we miss that?" She asked as Gustavo shrugged "well, at least let him say goodbye." Katie asked as the man handed the cricket over "bye bye, little buddy. You almost made it to LA. But we'll always have Paris, Barcelona and Berlin and now Canada. No other cricket has ever seen so much. I'm sorry that I'll never see you again." Carlos told the cricket as the rest of them watched on.

"You know, we French don't understand many things..space travel, bikini tops, soap..but there's one thing we do understand..love.. be good to him." The man told them handing the cricket over to Carlos as they all smiled "my cricket is staying." Carlos told them as Logan came by "my book is gone." He told them "I had one page left to go, man. Why, why, why?" The man Logan was hitting then pulled up his book "my book..I can finish. Quiet, reading." He told them.

"Okay, why did they get happy endings, but we don't?" James asked "because we still haven't figured out how to beat NSYNCS quick change time." Kendall said as he pulled Chloe closer to him "how to slow down time by creating a rip in the fabric of time. Ha, done." Logan told them as he finished his book "wait, slowing down time? Ripping. Fabric." James told them all as they began to understand.

"We're back." Gustavo told them as the guys got ready to ran as the man held out the stop watch "let her rip." Kendall said as they all went off running as they got in everyone was watching as Chloe and the men looked at the stopwatch.

They then came out as they stopped it "3.7 seconds!" Chloe told them screaming as the guys cheered "were on the wall of fame!" As Gustavo then pointed at them "now get out there hit that trampoline, and let's Elevate!" Gustavo yelled as the guys ran out.

Kelly then ran in grabbing Chloe "the trampolines gonna Break!" She yelled as her, Chloe and the two men from before ran sliding underneath the trampoline "hold it, boys." Kelly told them as her and Chloe were already holding onto it as the first one jumped "Kendall." Chloe and Kelly called out.

As the next one went "Logan." Chloe and Kelly called out as another one jumped "James." They said as Chloe looked to them "one more" she told them as they waited "Carlos." They both said as he jumped and they all let go high fiving.

Kelly, Chloe and the guys walked back in out of breath as everyone was clapping and cheering as they all stood there with there hands on there hips and waved as the guys then held up the girls hands as everyone cheered and clapped for them.

Big time breakthroughOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant