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The Inventor


Third person POV


"Experiment log Uh.. Number Seven Hundred and twenty three?" (Y/n) questions, turning to her pink haired partner in crime who was currently sitting to her left, the pinkette tinkering with a small ray gun that looks like it came straight out of a video game. The gun was a shiny silver color with small lime green LED bulbs lining up the sides and was small enough to fit in one hand. The barrel expanded into a six inch hollow dome with a mess of twisted multicolor wire in the center, a small green lightbulb placed at the end to keep with the futuristic aesthetic. The pinkette paused her movements, tapping a gloved finger against her chin in thought before shrugging slightly. "Sure. That sounds close enough. Now! Let's get this baby going!" (Y/n) grinned, using her prehensile lavender locks to slide a dark purple mask down to shield her face, The red tented glass that was implanted in her mask making her look terrifying. "Let's get to the training ground and fire delilah up!" The pinkette paused slightly tilting her head towards (y/n) "Eh? An english name again? How do you even find these names?" The lavender haired girl only snickered mysteriously in response as she held a gloved finger up to the mouth area of her mask. "I'm afraid I can't divulge that information my dear Hatsu! It's a family secret!" Hatsume chuckled, a teasing smile on her face. "You Koogled it, didn't you?" (Y/n) choked on the air for a moment before rushing away, her giant pigtails flowing behind her. "NO! DEFINITELY NOT!" Hatsume laughed loudly as she chased after her friend, the duo chatting animatedly with wide smiles and large gestures, excited for their new toy to be tested.

The two of them chased eachother playfully until they finally arrived at the testing area principal Nezu gave them (that definitely wasn't so he wouldn't have to get the support classroom repaired every week due to the duo's.. Previous testings.) The two went straight to work upon arrival, Hatsume setting up the ray gun on its own personal stand and (y/n) setting up the target's for the day. The first target was simple, An apple. It's supposed to teleport from a target on the left side of the room to the second target on the right side. If you looked carefully at the room, you would be able to clearly identify countless scorch marks that littered the concrete room and a viewing area by the door, a large wall of concrete and bulletproof glass being the divider. (Y/n) hummed obnoxiously to herself as she hung upside down from the ceiling, completely supported by her pigtails while casually writing on a clipboard. "Alright! I've got our past measurements set up and good to go! How's the stand level Hatsu?" Hatsume hummed slightly, as she closes one eye, using her quirk to position the gun accurately. "It's good to go, (y/n)! Get down here so we can test this bab- huh?" The room suddenly filled with a low static like hum that grew louder and louder until it brought both girls down to their knees, (y/n)'s hair twisting around her body as if to shield the girl from the painful noise. The two girls both used their hands to shield their ears as the hum got louder and louder until the sound cut off suddenly, giving the two girls a single moment of respite until the ray gun imploded, blasting Hatsume back into the viewing area, a bright flash of green light enveloping the rest of the room before it cut off like flipping a light switch. Hatsume opened her eyes slowly, blood from her ears and steadily dripping down to her jaw as she looked around dazily until her eyes landed on the cracked mask of her best friend, her yellow orbs widening like disks as she bolted over to where her friend once was, sliding on her knees as she grabbed the mask, her head swiveling around desperately. "(Y/n)?? (Y/N)?!"

(Y/n) POV

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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