Matty's Surprise Party

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A/N: this fic also includes my head canons about corona not existing, Dan being reasonably knowledgeable on spoon theory, Rodney having undiagnosed ADHD, and Finn still being alive.


Matty walks into the kitchen. 

"Happy birthday son!" Moira exclaims from where she's stood in front of the frying pan. 

"I was going to bring you breakfast in bed!"

"Mum, it's nearly midday," Matty replies, smiling.

"Well I do also have a farm to run!"


Meanwhile in the barn, Victoria and Luke are up ladders trying to hang bunting, Finn watches them with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"It isn't straight!" Finn complains for the millionth time.

"Well, neither are you!" Amy shouts from the other side of the barn, rearranging some cups, "and I get the vibe that most of Matty's Manchester mates that I invited are even less straight than you!"

"Impossible!" Finn huffs.


Bear and Sam are sat in The Woolpack when a gang of very colourful people walk in. 

One of them, the one wearing a furry cow-print coat, says "It's dead in here, and it still doesn't look like we'll be able to get any service!"

"Marlon, the circus is in town!" Bear shouts.

"Are you being mean?" Another of the colourful people asks. They're wearing pink head to toe, including a pink fringe and pink walking stick.

Before Bear can respond, Marlon rushes in from the kitchen looking flustered. "What can I get you?" he asks.


It's a slow day in the garage for Dan, he'd just finishing making himself a cup of tea when a car drives up, smoke poring out of the exhaust. Two people climb out looking flustered. One of them is wearing a bright pink jump suit, the other has their shirt undone most of the way, and a yellow neckerchief tied around their neck. 

"Can you help us?" the one in the pink jumpsuit asks.

The other follows up with "we're meant to be going to a party but-"

"You won't be getting there in that thing" Dan interrupts.

"Look, I've only got so many spoons and I've used most of them driving here" the jumpsuit wearer replies, "and I'd like to use the rest of them to party"

"I hear you" Dan replies.

"You know spoon theory?" the other questions.

"I've got a disability and an internet connection, thanks"


"I wish there were more nudist beaches round here" Rodney muses to Jimmy, who is wiping down the counter in the cafe.

"There aren't even beaches round here, Rodders" Jimmy replies, wincing. 

"Uhh, sorry to interrupt, can we have your drinks menu please?".

Too distracted by the unfortunate image of his father in law naked, Jimmy hadn't even noticed three strangers walk in. The person who had asked him had a mullet, and a leather jacket, and cherry red Doc Martins. In fact, now he looked, all three of them had Doc Martins on. The person next to the one with the mullet was slightly shorter, with a slightly shorter mullet, they had a black denim jacket covered in patches and pins, and black boots at the end of their black skinny jeans. These two looked, to Jimmy, like they made sense standing next to each other, but behind them was a third person, in bright pink docs. As Jimmy looked up at them, he saw that they were wearing a bright yellow gingham dress with puffy sleeves, their short hair was pulled into little pig tails on top of their head. He looked the last person up and down one more time,

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