Therapy For All

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"I brought the pizza today," Ela informed, ashing her cigar, "I remembered you said you like it."

Asami chuckled. "Thanks, it was delicious."

"Eh, don't mention it, it was my turn to bring food anyways," she grinned, "glad you liked it."

"I really did," Asami assured.

"It's from like, a small pizza place downtown, a really underrated place," Ela informed, "if you've never been we can hang out there sometime or whatever. "

"I don't know, I barely leave my dorm room..." Asami hesitated.

"Sounds about healthy," Ela teased.

"Hiroshi is out there," Asami shrugged, faking nonchalance, "since I don't wanna, y'know, die, I should keep myself safe."

"Like yeah, you gotta keep yourself safe, but it's not like he's gonna beat your ass in public," she chuckled, "just don't wander off to dark alleys and you should be alright. Y'know, like all us women do."

"Huh, guess I didn't think about it like that..." Asami stared at the sky.

"Don't feel bad Sato, fear is irrational," Ela grinned.

"It's not Sato, not anymore," Asami mumbled, "I changed it."

"For real? To what?"

"Ai," Asami informed, placing the cigar between her lips, taking a hit.

"Ai? Like love?" Ela asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, love," she laughed, "that's what I wanna focus on in my new start, love. Loving me, loving my friends, loving..." she smiled to herself, thinking of Korra. "You get it."

"Nice," the other girl whispered, "though, I gotta say, it does not make a cool nickname like Sato."

"I can live with that," Asami laughed, "so long as I am not associated with him."

"Guess I'm gonna have to find you a new nickname," she sighed dramatically, smirking when Asami giggled.

"My sincere apologies," Asami grinned.

"Mm, apology accepted." Ela mirrored Asami's grin. "So, wanna give me your number in case you wanna check out that pizza place?"

Asami pursed her lips together. "I haven't got a phone."

"Oh," Ela looked slightly surprised, but just for a moment, "okay."

"I smashed it," Asami continued, feeling that Ela might not have believed her.


She blinked. "Like, on purpose." Asami continued, surprised by the lack of judgment or confusion portrayed on Ela's face.

"Okay." She answered, her expression was still blank.

"So you can't call me," Asami summarized.


"Okay," Ela shrugged, "did you want my phone number or are you just excusing since you don't wanna hang out?"

"No, no, I'm serious," Asami laughed, "how about we just make plans? I'll remember."

"Tomorrow, at seven?" Ela suggested.

"Can't wait," Asami smiled, from the corner of her eye spotting Korra's car parking, "where did you say it is?"

"Downtown. Just Google Furman's Pizzaria you caveman," Ella laughed as Asami got up, frowning.

The Hit List: Justice for AsamiWhere stories live. Discover now