~ enemy scout x reader ~

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author note:
this is the first time I've written anything fanfiction related, pLEASE go easy on me lmao hopefully the more I upload the less cringe-y my stuff will be 😳😬

ALSO reader is a sniper in this part ! :)


-your POV-

You really weren't in your head today. Despite the constant screams and explosions followed by splatters of blood, you felt separate from the battle. After respawning for what felt like the hundredth time, you pulled out your secondary weapon and ran back to the tower you were previously perched at. Maybe you could take out a few enemies before the battle was over.

-scouts POV-

"AH NO YOU DONT!" Scout yelled, chasing the enemy spy through the base. The dumb bastard didn't even manage to get close to their sentry without being noticed. The spy ran into a nearby tower, Scout followed.
With a quick shot from his blaster the spy was dead. Noticing his health was low, Scout went in search for a medpack.
Hm, haven't been here in a while he thought. I know there's one nearby.
He jogged through the wooden halls of the tower, not noticing the enemy sniper walking past until they punched him in the face.

-your POV-

That damn scout.
While he was down you aimed your gun at him, ready to shoot.
"OW! Where the hell did you come from?"
The scout looked up at you.
And for some reason you froze.
You knew you were frozen, but you didn't move. You've killed the enemy scout plenty of times from afar, but this was your first time being face-to-face with him. Even with his now bleeding nose, you couldn't deny the fact that he was handsome. You never noticed his chiseled features and little freckles across his face until now.


what you thought to yourself

what am i thinking??

"Your parents ever tell ya it's rude to stare?" he asked, snapping you out of your mind.

JUST SHOOT HIM! you thought.
There was a small pause.

"Ya know I get it, I wouldn't want to shoot my beautiful face either. In fact, if you let me go-"

BLAM! You finally shot him in the head.

That took way too long. You thought. Why couldn't I just shoot him?
You tried to find an answer while you made your way to the top of the building.

-time skip-

To say you weren't focused on the battle would be an understatement. It felt like you were a little girl with a school crush. It was stupid! Each time you saw the enemy scout run past you couldn't take your eyes away from him until he was out of sight. I can't wait until this fight is over you thought.

"PLAY BALL!" you heard someone yell, followed by a loud whack. You peeked through the window to the other tower across from where you were, and saw the same enemy scout laughing and dancing over a medics dead body.
I gotta kill him this time you thought.
You kept your eyes on him as you loaded your gun, and he looked up at you as his laughing faded.
You're not making me freeze this time, pretty boy you thought, aiming for a headshot. And just when you had him in the perfect spot-
He winked at you.
Blood rushed to your cheeks. You couldn't believe he could make you this pathetic.
You looked up from your rifle, he was still looking at you.
The scout saluted to you, pulling his gun out and running off.

Hold up, what just happened-

"YOU FAILED!" the administrator's voice rang through your side of the map.

"Ah crap."
You heard footsteps running up the stairs of the tower. Not sure what to do, you jumped out the window and ran.
You rushed past your teammates running towards your base, and hid in the shadows between two buildings.
Maybe I can just wait here until we respawn you thought, catching your breath. The enemy team was probably invading your base as always, and you didn't feel like having to deal with the torture of being killed again.
You walked further into the small alley, before feeling the barrel of a gun against your head.
"You know, I never got your name," you heard the person say with a thick Bostonian accent.
You turned around, now face to face with the enemy scout.
He lowered his gun.


"I-it's (Y/N)." you finally replied.
The scout let out a little giggle.
"That's pretty cute." He said.
You felt your face flush.

There was a small pause.

"Do you think we could meet again? Next battle?" he asked.
You couldn't help but smile, and nodded your head.
"It's a date!" he said, grinning.
He turned around, ready to leave, when you tugged on his shirt. He faced towards you.
"It was nice meeting you Scout." you said.
He smiled and planted a kiss on your cheek.
"You too (Y/N)."


wHAT WAS THIS I- 🕳 🚶‍♀️

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