Heart to Heart

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The day we met, felt like a magic
The day I saw him,  I fell in love
I realized the love in my heart for him,
I realized the gap in my heart to see him
Since that day, everything turned to him

the first time, when I came to know
I came to know what  "true love" is
the first time, when he came to hostel
The waiting room started to shine
He was there to see me with the smile
It was the first time, after ages
I saw the one and only mine

I found myself In love with him,
with his each and everything
I started to love the way he smiled
I started to love the way he angered
I started to love the way he cared
I started to love the day he paid attention
I started to love the way he served food to me,

I started to love the way he sees me off,
Simply,  I started to love the way he is

Since the day we met he is mine
He always showed concerns for me,
He always showed his feelings for me,
He never ignored, never jetted me alone
He never ever made me feel worthless
He always stood behind me, like a wall
In short, he is my strength since the day we met

The day we met, I never ever felt alone
He is the reason for my smile
He is the reason for my braveness
He is the one and only reason,
That i always survive In hardest times
Oh my God,  I'm not even able to express my love for him

No one can understand me the way he does
No one can hold me in bad times,  the way he does
No one can guarantee my smile the way he does
He is the Reason of my inner peace and smiling face

we spent together priceless time
The time spent without him is worthless 
Increased Fights and arguments

When relationship gets old, Quality of time spent reduces
with the passage of time between couples

But even after “7 successful years
We still pay attention to each other, the way we did in the past
We still love each other, The way we did in the past
We still prefer spending a quality time
We still do the things to express our love
We still do the things we did in the past
That's the reason for our love to everlast,

Last but not the least,
May Allah bless our everlasting love
and spare us from evil eyes.

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