This Forsaken World Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

"This will work. Hank you get going, we'll fortify that place and wait for you. Make it quick though, you still have around an hour of travel time assuming your fuel lasts. The infected wont take long to find us so I'm sure by the time you get back we'll be under siege." The veteran nodded and waved Lila to follow him.

"If they get back. There's no guarantee the depot will have functioning vehicles or even if the troopers there let him borrow one. We need to prepare for the inevitable and focus on surviving without getting our hopes up." Evan stated as he shifted the shotgun to his other hip.

Unloading as many supplies as I could carry from the trunk I waited as Lucas did the same. Between the two of us we had emptied the mustang and could travel without being too over encumbered.

"Let's go, good luck Hank." The Staff Sergeant nodded as he mounted the bike, Lila taking position behind him and wrapping her arms around his midsection. The man gave us a salute before he revved the engine and took off on the highway.

"Take point." I said as Evan moved out in front with his shotgun ready.

Commander Devin Crowe

As we entered my quarters I tried not to laugh as Sally stepped past me and threw herself on my bed. She was grinning from ear to ear as she took in the room. While it was more spacious than most enlisted bunks due to me being a high ranking officer, it was small.

The bunk was barely large enough for my muscled six four frame with a wall mounted shelf to one side. A fold out couch was on one wall with a coffee table beside it, a bookshelf adorning the opposing side. The walls were a light blue with cheap wallpaper and a circular portal allowed view to the space outside the ship.

A bathroom, or head as it was known by the fleet, was situated in a side room with a faucet, toilet and functional stand up shower. Lastly a desk was stationed near the door where I could fill out reports. A laptop was set up with a plain metal chair.

"Not bad, my quarters on the dreadnought are quite a bit different. Everything is black and red if you hadn't figured that out yet. While I despise the way the Nocturnals live I could never escape it without being alienated. I've got skins from my kills mounted on the walls and my bed is crafted from a vlecktar pelt I killed when I was little. Now that is comfortable I must admit, the fur is like silk." Pointing a long nailed finger at the side room she asked. "What's that for?"

I was still wondering how she knew what silk was as I answered. "The bathroom? you don't have those?" I asked, leaning up against the door frame and crossing my arms to watch her. The way she moved was so feminine and seductive it was hard to focus.

"What's a bathroom?" She tilted her head like a curious cat with a questioning look.

"Human's consume food and liquid and our bodies expel the waste through excrement. We use the sit down mechanism to void the waste, the hand washing station is well, for washing your hands, wetting down your hair, things like that. The stand up thing with the glass door is for taking a shower, we use it to keep our bodies clean and smelling good. You don't have anything like that?" I was curious now. I knew I should be heading for the flight deck to talk to my squadron but I was intrigued and my secondary objective was to learn more about Sally's species.

"Nope. We only drink blood for sustenance. The fluid is absorbed into our circulatory system and there is no waste. We have all of the body chemistry you humans do we just don't use them the same way...well expect for intercourse but that's only to further our species count. Everything works the same in that regard as you humans. As far as I know that's actually universal for almost every race we've encountered, sex seems to be more or less the same aside from reptilian or aquatic. We have yet to meet an Aves species. We use skin creams instead of a shower as you call it to keep us clean and scented. Water is hard to come by for us since we don't really use it." The vampire spread out on my bed and got comfortable, putting her arms behind her head and sighing in satisfaction.

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