ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11 ✧

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I was sort of

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I was sort of...

Freaking out. I wanted to tell Hajime what happened yesterday between me and Toru but I'm scared that he'll get mad. At the same time, I don't want to keep this a secret because we told Toru that we kissed.

It was lunch and I was walking around looking for Hajime. I pushed the doors open to the cafeteria and scanned the room. I saw him sitting at a table with the rest of his team, minus Oikawa for some reason. I walked up to the table and smiled. "Hey guys, is it okay if I borrow him?" I pointed at Hajime. "Yeah, what's up?" He got up from his seat and we walked to a clear table near the back.

I sat down in the seat next to him and pulled out a lunch box. "So, I made you this." I gave the box to him and he opened it. "Y/n, why'd you make agedashi tofu?" He placed it on the table in front of him. "It's your favorite right?" I got a little nervous. "Yeah, but why'd you make it? Did something happen?" He picked up the chopsticks took a bite of the food.

"How'd you know?" My eyes widened a little. How does he always know something is up? "Took a guess. And you kinda made my favorite food out of the blue." He pointed to the box and swallowed. I took a deep breath in. "Okay so yesterday I ran after Kawa and tripped and I fell on him and we accidentally kissed." I said in one breath and cover my mouth after I finished.

He waved his hand. "Wait wait, y'all kissed?" He sounded confused. "Yes?" My voice went high. "Was it a peck or a make out?" He rested his elbow on the table. "It was a peck," I looked to the floor. He nodded his head. "then it turned into a make out..." my voice got small and I fiddled with my fingers.

I don't know why I'm so nervous to tell him. It's like the same as us telling Oikawa that we kissed. Is it maybe because I don't want him to be mad at me? I don't know...

"I wanted to tell you because we told Kawa that we kissed." I looked back to him.

"Hey if you're scared I'm going to be upset, I'm not." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I was just nervous because I didn't know how you would react." I shrugged my shoulders. "Well I'm not dramatic like shitty-kawa," he moved his hand from my should to my thigh. "and I know I was probably better. You know the scenery, the feeling.." He smirked. "You are always so touchy." I laughed and placed my hand on top of his, moving it back onto the table.

His eyebrows furrowed together. "Do you not like it?" He moved his hand to his lap. "I do it's just.. I don't want to make this," I motioned my hand between us. "a friends with benefits type thing, like it's only sexual or something." I placed my hand in my lap. "We haven't had sex though and people who are friends with benefits usually don't have any feelings between them," he softly put his hand on top of mine. " which would count us out because I like you and I'm pretty sure you like me." He squeezed my hand a little.

I smiled at him. "I guess that would count us out." I playfully rolled my eyes. "So you're saying you like me?" He tilted his head. "Well I'm not saying no." I pushed his chest. He let out a short laugh and stood up. "Let the best man win," He grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your feet. "wanna hang out after school?"

"Don't you have practice?" I picked up my bag. "Not today. So do you?" He picked up the box of food I made and put it in his bag. "Yeah sure, I don't have any work." We began to walk to class.


I locked the door back and took off my shoes. "So what do you want to do?" I walked upstairs with Hajime following behind me. "Anything, it doesn't matter." He sat at my desk. I put my bag down and sat on my bed, trying to think of something to do. I started spacing off.

"I can feel you eyes, you having fun staring?" Hajime twisted the seat to face me. I blinked my eyes about two times. "Oh shut up, your arms are beefy..." I narrowed my eyes. "Duh, I work out." He flexed the muscle. "Okay Mr.show off," I got up and walked in front of him. "you don't have to flex around me." I pinched his arm.

"Ouch!" His voice went high. He picked me up by throwing my over his shoulder and brought me downstairs to the couch in the living room. "What are you doing?" I sort of screamed while pounding his back.

He walked into the kitchen and messed around in the cabinets, finally finding what he needs he threw something in the microwave. He came back into the living room and sat next to me. "I put popcorn in the microwave, we are watching a movie." He grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. "What kind of movie?" I brought my legs to my chest.

He scrolled through the different movies. "Action." He pressed the 'Godzilla Vs. King Kong' title. "Ouu good pick." I got up from the couch and went into the hallway closet. I grabbed a blanket for us to share and started to walk back to the couch. The doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I walked up to the door. I adjusted the blanket to sit on my side and I opened the door with my free hand. "Oh, hey Kawa." I smiled. "Hey Y/n, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out." He leaned on the doorframe . "I-" I started my sentence but was cut off.

"Y/n I burned the popcorn! I'll make a new pack!" Hajime yelled from the kitchen. Oikawas face dropped. "Y'all are hanging out already?" He backed off the doorframe. "Yeah, you can join if you want." I smiled. "No no, I'll let you and Iwa-Chan have your 'bestie time'" He did little quotations on the 'bestie' part. "Why do you have a attitude?" I put the blanket down on the side table. "Maybe because I can barely see my best friend now." He put a hand on his hip.

"Kawa, you can see me literally anytime you want, just ask or come over." I crossed my arms. "Well how am I supposed to know of you're already hanging out with him or not?" He pointed inside the house. "Oikawa just ask." My voice slightly raised. "Wow, no nickname?" He scoffed.

"You are making a big deal out of nothing!" I rolled my eyes. "No I'm not!" He crossed his arms. "Talk to me when you get your head straight, have a good night." I closed the door and locked it. I grabbed the blanket and made my way back to Hajime.

"What was shitty-kawa saying?" Hajime asked from the couch. "Being shitty and stupid, he was mad because we are hanging out." I put my hand in the popcorn and brought it to my mouth. "That doesn't make sense, didn't he sleep over?" He sat up a little. "Exactly!" I groaned. "We don't have to watch the movie, if you want we can go lay down." He pointed with his thumb back to your room.

I sighed. "Yeah, because he just made my head hurt." I turned off the Tv and began to walk upstairs. Hajime brought a bag of stuff already. I guess he was already prepared. We did our nightly routine and got into the bed. "I wasn't even going to offer to sleep on the couch, I don't care if we sleep in the same bed." I yawned. "It's fine, just come here." He pulled me into him. With my back on his chest, one of his arms under me with the other hooked around my stomach. It gave me butterflies with how close we were. Feeling his warmth from his body and his breath hit my neck and back.

"Goodnight Hajime." I said sleepily, closing my eyes. "Goodnight Y/n." He gave me a small squeeze.

A/n: Longer chapter LOLI had to get some drama into here, sorryyyDrink some water luvs :)

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Longer chapter LOL
I had to get some drama into here, sorryyy
Drink some water luvs :)

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙠// 𝘏.𝘐𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘪, 𝘛.𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢Where stories live. Discover now