Letter From A Certain Someone

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Hermione Granger-Weasley woke up on a Saturday morning to a flash of bright red. She smiled and slipped out of bed careful not to wake her husband, Ronald Weasley.

She went down the hall to the left of her bedroom into a room with a huge bookcase full of books. "Rose? Rosie are you awake?", she said tapping the sleeping redhead. The little 5 year old grumbled. Hermione left and went to her brothers room. "Hugo? Hugo are you hungry?", she asked her son. The little 3 year old boy turned over.

She went downstairs and checked the clock. It was 7:30 am on a Saturday. 'No wonder they weren't awake', She thought. She was making a cup of coffee when Pig, Hermione and Ron's owl, flew threw the window. A letter flew out of his beak while he was flying away.

Hermione grabbed it before it could fall into the sink. She opened it as she heard her husband and kids come down the stairs. The letter stated:

Dear Hermione,
            I'm so sorry. The Granger family reunion is starting next Sunday and we couldn't find an excuse. I'm awfully sorry. Cindy and Mindy will be their as well so prepare yourself. We will be staying at The Otter. How ironic?
                                 Your mom and dad.

She stared at it in shock. "Morning.", said Ron putting Hugo in his seat. Ron walked over to her wrapping his arms around her waist while she stared at the letter. "What's wrong?", he asked. She turned around in his arms. "I've been invited to a family reunion...at my hotel.", she said still in shock.

Ron laughed and kissed her on the cheek. "When is it?", he questioned while getting eggs out of the fridge. "Next Sunday.", she replied. She was about to open her mouth to say something but Rose beat her to it. "Mommy. Daddy. We're hungry!", she cried.

Ron laughed and helped Hermione start on breakfast. 30 mins later they had breakfast out. Ron burnt a bit of the toast but other than that it was perfect. After sitting picking at her food for a while she made a decision. "I'm going.", she said. Ron looked up and stopped cutting Hugo's sausage. "Pardon?", he said. She sighed. "I'm going to the reunion Ronald.", she said taking Hugo's spoon and feeding him.

"What reunion?", asked Rose. "Mommy has a reunion to go to with her family.", Ron told her. Rose looked confused for a second. "A reunion with Grandma?", she asked. Hermione shook her head. "No. This reunion is going to be with Nana and my family. ", Hermione replied while cleaning Hugo's mouth. Rose nodded. This was going to be a long week ahead of us.

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