Chapter 9: Taking Precautions

Start from the beginning

Kovu nodded, "Yes, you're right about that, Kiara," He trailed off before thinking about Kion, "Kion did wonderful protecting Tiifu and preventing Abasi from coming to pride rock."

"Yes, it was quite reckless to be facing off three lions. We saw one of the lionesses from Abasi's pride chasing after Tiifu, so we all charged at her," Kiara replied.

"Kion's brave. He trained with my mother and aunt for so long, and he knows all the fighting techniques," Kovu pointed out.

"We also need to be prepared in case Abasi sends out one of his lionesses to attack us," Kiara said, changing the subject, "No predator shouldn't hunt near the borders while the prey needs to remain in the middle of the pride lands for safety."

"They can only go to the watering hole, or anywhere that is close by. They're not allowed to go anywhere that is either far from here or near the borders that lead to the elephant graveyard or the outlands," Kovu explained, "We will have daily patrols as well as patrols for the night.

Kiara was confused, "Kovu, we've never had a night patrol before; how is this going to work?" She questioned.

"Well, the patrols are split into two teams: the one in the day and one at night. In the night, Abasi might have some evil plans to overthrow us while we're sleeping. And we don't know what's going on while we're in the den,"

"You're right about that, Kovu. Do you want to inform the pride about our plans now? Or wait until later on this evening?"

"We'll tell them this evening after dinner. But for now, I have some important things to take care of, like letting all of the leaders know about Abasi and how to keep their herds safe,"

"Ok, hon,"

Kovu and Kiara nuzzled each other for a bit until they pulled away. Kovu sighed before walking down pride rock to speak with all of the herd leaders. Kiara sighed and looked up into the sky, praying for the great kings to keep everyone safe.

"Grandfather Mufasa," she called. "I need your help."

Mufasa's spirit appeared in the sky as it flickered in the clouds, revealing his image, "My granddaughter, what's wrong?" Mufasa asked.

"It's Abasi and his pride," Kiara explained, "They've ambushed us twice and nearly killed Kion in that second ambush. I lost Kopa before, and I don't want to lose Kion either; please, grandfather, do you have any ideas on how can I protect my family, pride, and kingdom?"

"You're already working hard to protect everyone by discussing the situation with Kovu. All you have to do is believe in yourself," Mufasa said.


He nodded before continuing, "Yes, Kiara. When you believe in yourself, it'll help you lead the pride and show them that you can stay positive and be strong for the pride, your family, and the kingdom," Mufasa explained.

"Thank you, grandfather," Kiara said.

"You're most welcome, Kiara. And remember, if you need anything, just give me a call, and I'll be there to answer your questions and guide you,"

Mufasa then faded away as Kiara smiled from his words of wisdom. She sighed happily before walking down pride rock and into the royal den where Kion and Tiifu are cuddling each other. Tiifu noticed her sister-in-law coming inside of the royal den.

"Hey, Kiara. What's up?" Tiifu greeted.

"I came to check up on Kion," said Kiara.

"I'm fine, Kiara. It takes more than slashes to the chest to take me down," Kion remarked with a smirk.

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