Chapter 4

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His stinky troll wife, he takes the potion out of his pockets and starts to dig a tiny hole to try and put it in to hide his misdemeanor. He quickly covers the hole and greets his wife wondering what she is doing in the forest but little did he know she was seeing the witch as well. "Oh, hi honey. What are you doing here so late?" she asks, a nervous laugh escaping her mouth. "I was taking a midnight stroll because I could not sleep. All my thoughts were filled with your beautiful face inside my mind!" He says lying through his teeth.

They look at each other for a moment as the troll asks, "Would you like to help me finish planting our drugs?"

"Oh, of course." the king says, grabbing the bag out her hands, the wrong bag. He opened the bag to see what was inside, it was a bottle with liquid, just a different shape and size of his. He wonders if she was going to see the witch as well so he gave her the liquid and told her to drink it. "No, no I can't. I, uh, made it just for you!" the troll says, shaking her head and giving the bottle back to him. He grabs the bottle back and says, "I cannot drink this, I am lactose intolerant," and throws it back into her hands.

Then the king makes a split decision and garbs the bag of food he's been carrying and sprints away from the troll. Luckily for him trolls are slow.

He rushes to the bunker, hoping that he hadn't remembered the main reason he left the castle and that his daughter is okay. He enters the bunker and all he sees is blood everywhere and that it stinks horribly that death could happen any moment because of the scent. He sees his daughter on the couch with a pillow snoring like a cow like its normal af. 

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