Wilhemina Venable x Reader x Cordelia Goode- Better

Start from the beginning

Things were going great and although the weekdays were filled with work for the three of you, Mina working in her office until the evening or Delia teaching in the coven and you also helping out there with some classes while still learning about magic yourself and also part time helping out at a local cafe, the three of you adjusted. Throughout the weekend you always did things you missed in the week like going on dates or just spending time with each other. Your favorite thing is usually doing anything with your two girlfriends even simple things like eating dinner or watching a movie with them on the sofa or spending time in the bedroom you wouldn't have it any other way. If you were to describe your life and your personality you would probably say happy mostly because despite life throwing things at you like rude co-workers or bullying in school or being left at the academy by your family and kind of having no one but your girlfriends in your life they made all the pain go away. And it has been that way for a long time, whenever you are with them either Delia or Mina or both of them it feels like all of your sorrows, insecurities and doubts are completely wiped out and it feels like you are constantly in a dream state because doing anything with them, simply being in the same room as them feels so special and it makes you forget. The past week however was different, Delia had to go to a council meeting and Zoe and Queenie looked after the coven and so there were no classes there. Mina had an urgent work related trip and was also gone for a week. At first you were so bored and you felt so lonely and you kept promising and reassuring Delia and Mina that everything will be okay and you would call them and they don't need to worry or feel bad that it will be okay. But it is far from okay, being alone and bored in your shared appartment only allowed space and time for the things you usually push away in your mind to come to the surface. You ended up accepting a few extra shifts at the cafe and basically working every single day to distract yourself from the boredom and feeling of loneliness. Delia made sure to message in the groupchat she made with you and Mina, whenever possible and you always went to sleep with a ''Good night sweetheart''message or a ''Good morning baby'' as soon as you would wake up and it made you smile and cheer you up for a little but it just feels like once you are alone and away from them you feel unable to do anything properly. Delia left you some money on the counter because the fridge was empty before she left so you can buy some food to either cook or for takeouts but the money is still there because you don't even feel like eating. Mina made you a little to-do list for the week with some tasks that you need to take care of especially taking your car to get your tires changed and some other things that need to be done but you couldn't even bother to do any of those things. It feels like Cordelia and Wilhemina are your fuel that keeps you going, the air inside your lungs that make you breathe and without them things feel impossible. You dropped by the academy a few times to talk to the girls and your friends but it felt so strange and unfamiliar there without Delia that you didn't like being there without her. In the end everything happened on repeat, you getting up in the morning, showering, going to work, working there all day, taking care of customers, cleaning the place and closing up before going home and falling asleep feeling completely exhausted. You love working at the cafe because you get to meet new people but also the regulars and it distracts you a little from being a witch which can totally drive you crazy sometimes. The only thing you don't like about that workplace is one of your co-workers, she would often make sarcastic and stupid comments and you tried ignoring them as much as possible but sometimes it just got on your nerves and it upsets you. Before you even know it the week is over and you completely and totally forgot that they are both coming home today. Mina is coming back around dinner time and Delia in the afternoon and you planned in the back of your mind to be there in the apartment and prepare some dinner for them to welcome them back but due to everything going on and the overwhelming feeling of them being gone you ended up forgetting it's today and you ended up working another shift at the cafe. When the supreme got home she already saw your car is gone and she was a little sad that she couldn't greet you and hold you in her arms yet because she missed you terribly. She called you in an effort to find out where you are but you didn't answer because your phone has to be on silent at work and so she called Wilhemina. ''Hi honeypie'' Cordelia teases with a smile after Wilhemina picked up the phone ''Delia you know I hate that nickname'' she replies ''Yes I know .. are you on your way?'' and Wilhemina replies with ''Yes should be there in two hours'' and Cordelia simply nods. ''Um listen have you heard from Y/N today?'' she asks with a lace of concern in her voice and the supreme wanders around the apartment but stops in the kitchen when she sees the money still on the counter, to do list still there and no food or signs of used dishes or anything. ''Not today no but she has been working at the cafe this week, she mentioned it on the phone the other day'' Wilhemina replies and Cordelia is even more concerned after seeing that the house still looks the way when they left and only the bed seems used. ''Um that to-do list you made her and the money is still on the counter it seems like she wasn't even here this week'' Cordelia explains and Wilhemina tries to calm her girlfriend down. ''Okay listen Dee I am sure it's nothing, no need to panic let's just wait till she's home okay?'' and Cordelia agrees before ending the call despite her deep down worrying about you. 

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