"He told me if I meet with him and it goes as planned...he'll delete the tape." I blurted out, even though I wasn't sure I even wanted to tell her that. I might get desperate and just meet with him and I knew if Candice knew and didn't like the idea, she'd do everything to make sure I didn't go through with it.

"Absolutely not. No. That makes no sense Alycia. He's saying if it goes as planned, well what does that entail? He wants you. Unless he gets you, he won't be happy. He's not gonna delete the tape just because you come." She spoke and drove up to the pay window.

"Well I don't know what else to do Candice. I can't keep worrying about this. It didn't even really start worrying me until today because I genuinely thought it was a lie but I just don't know now. Whenever he's quiet for too long, somethings up. He can fuck with me and my life but he's not gonna fuck with Harry's. I will literally do whatever I have to." I said as I grabbed my drink from her hand.

"Let me tell you one thing." She said as she drove back onto the main road. "You will not meet with him. You're setting yourself up for disaster. He is not right in the head Alycia and he will hurt you. You will not do that." She said and even though I know she's just looking out for me, it annoyed me that she thinks she can tell me what to do.

If I end up only being able to choose between meeting with him or the tape getting released, i'll be there. Alone. Just like he wants.

"Okay." I said to ease her stress.

I guess now it's just a waiting game with him.


Harry texted me like two hours ago asking when I was gonna come and i'm a bit later than I thought i'd be. I ended up having to go over some of my songs with Matt. He asked me to come by the studio so I did that but now it's 8:30 and i'm just now pulling up to Harry's house.

I texted him like 15 minutes ago when I left the studio but he never responded.

I parked to the side by his car before grabbing my stuff and walking to the door.

I tried to turn the handle as I knocked, as I usually do but it was locked.

That's weird.

I knocked some more as I got my phone out to call him.

Why is he not answering? I mean, I get it's a big ass house but I messaged him so he knew I was coming.

The phone kept ringing but no one was answering. What the fuck? I immediately tried calling again but he wasn't answering. I don't even hear Jake barking.

The front of his house is literally mostly glass and the lights are on. I just don't see him at all.

Is he even here? Well fuck, I parked beside his car so yeah he's here.

Suddenly I felt myself get anxious and worried.

Fuck, is he okay? He would never leave me outside this door for that long.

I don't really know what i'm supposed to do. I've been outside this door for almost five minutes.

I tried knocking for a bit longer before going back and sitting in my car. I tried calling him again and he didn't answer, yet again.

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