"No i feel so bad" she said pulling out her wallet. "How much"

"No its ok" i told her

"Heres 2000 for your troubles" she said "please take it or itll be on my conscience if you dont"

"Ok. Thanks"

"No problem" she said

I looked at my phone and the money and put 1000 in my pocket. I went back to the alibi and gave my dad to the rest.

"Where did you get this"

"Oh shit lemme get that back real quick" he handed it back and i gave 100 to svetlana "ok here"


"I got it cause I stumbled into the wrong neighborhood and a lady broke my phone. She gave me 2000 but imma use 1000 to go get me a new phone."

"Do you need me to go with you?" He asked

"No. Im taking the bus" i

I got on the bus and waited to get to a stop close enough to the phone store. When i got to the actual store a nice boy helped me.

"Hi im Dylan" he told me. Brown hair blue eyes. He'll do.

"Hi dylan. Im Alacia" i told him and he shook my hand.

"Where you from?"

"Thats a weird form of how may i help you" I laughed

"Well i mean that too of course"

"Well i need a new phone. The old one broke. But also im from the southside"

"What kind of phone are you looking for beautiful"

"Well handsome i need something not to old but not new i only have 1000 dollars so I'm looking to spend 700"

"Well that would give you this one. Its a six 6. Only 600 dollars" he told me "oh and a date."

"Ok well heres 600 dollars and give me your number for the date"

"That easy huh"

"No i just like you"

He made me sign some things and after a bit i left.

When i got home i set up my phone and FaceTimed Dylan

"You're gonna come all the way to the southside for little old me"

"I mean yeah. A man should always pick a lady up for a date."

"Not on the south side. If you get asked out you meet them there"

"I dont like that." He laughed "im picking you up at 8 tommorow ok"


"You're not gonna procrastinate over an outfit"

"Im probably gonna wear a t shirt shorts and tennis shoe-"

I was cut off by Carl walking in my room.

"Hey Carl"


"Whos Carl?"

"Whos that" Carl asked me

"Carl is my best friend but idk anymore cus hes always gone. And carl this is Dylan we're going on a date tommorow"


"At 8 why"

"We could make it a double date"

"No" Dylan said "right"

"You're right baby." I told him then looked at carl. "Carl it's our first date. Maybe another time."

"Im gonna let you get to your friend but ill see you tomorrow"

"Okay. Goodnight"


He hung up and i put my phone down.

"So how did it go?"

"Not horrible"

"Well that's good"

"Where did you meet dylan"

"Oh well i was walking around and i ran into this lady and she cracked my screen and continued to give me 2000 dollars and then i went to the phone store and i met Dylan" I told him


"We're going on a date tomorrow and i told him I wasn't nervous but I kinda am"


"Cause hes not from the southside and if he is he has manners. Carl. He's picking me up" i said putting my hand on his shoulders and shaking them "ive never been picked up for a date before"

"Its no different from when i pick you up"

"But hes gonna knock." I told him while going through my clothes "and im not gonna get carried out like im being kidnapped"

"I dont know i just think it's weird"

"Well i think its normal" I shrugged

"You're acting like debbie. Are you gonna  force him to give you a baby"

"i dont want kids. I dont want a big happy family like her" I told him.

"Then why get a boyfriend"

"Cause i cant sit by myself all the time. Plus do you remember what happened last time you were my only friend" i asked him "i was controlling and you were bad its too much stress"

"Im not bad"

"You went to jail for selling drugs" i told him realizing i was getting a little angry "it doesn't matter. What matters is were both gonna be happy"

"You and Dominique can makeup right"he asked me while i held up an outfit "thats cool"

"Thanks" i said ignoring his question

"So" he asked

"Its late so im gonna go to sleep ok"


"Love you"

He left and i went to sleep.

Hard times// carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now