Usually it would take me less than a day or more to find out where my victim lived. The internet was a handy thing and I adored how easily it would give away information.

Pedestrians past by me ignoring me like I was an insect waiting to be step on. Some bumped into me, others avoids me. Not that it offended me, no I just stare up at the bright billboard hanging from the theater that was in front of me.

Fang was the main lady tonight at, I lingered at the ironic name, Bites. Life was always cliche for me and I smirked moving across the road.

Sadly, she won't be showing.


Boisterous yells and gleeful praises came from down the hall. Men hungrily eyeing women that danced proactively to a upbeat song. The smell of sex and booze clogging my nostrils enough to make me feel nauseous.

Each step I took down the narrow hallway, I kept a look out for the gold plated star that would be placed on Fangs door. This assignment was almost too easy.

My cocky smirk ripped off of me when a peculiar scent reached me. Vanilla and pineapple and like a lost puppy I followed it to Fangs door.

How ironic, I thought frowning peeking through the gap in the half open door.

Fang was chatting to a man that had his back turned on me. Her hair tied in a bun and her face bare of any makeup. She seemed almost humanoid. No emotion showing on her face or maybe she knew I was watching?

My eyebrows furrowed when I glanced at the man. His scent was coming off him in waves and I only realized then and there what he was; mate.

I didn't acknowledge I was gasping till two pairs of eyes turned to me. Cursing under my breath I backed from the door. Even with my super speed, a hand latched around my wrist tugging me roughly backwards.

My breath hitched when he slammed me against the door causing it to close. His hand now tightly wrenched around my throat in a vice like grip. I was too shocked to do anything and since he was my mate, my strength was almost restrained by a force field.

Speaking of his strength, his was abnormal. His eyes erratically searching mine. They were a chocolate brown, relished with deep almond. Reminded me of hot chocolate and I snorted to myself admitting that I already loved them.

Anger surged through me though when I realized that I was crumbling under the mere label of someone being my mate. I cursed myself and struggled against his grip, glaring into his eyes that widened when they did.

His scent diminished and wet dog reeked off of him. I snarled at him then kicked him in the stomach sending him flying across the room. He smashed into Fangs chair and she screamed at my show of violence.

"Zeke!" She yelled.

Her voice brittle and her eyes frantically shutting in a attempt to calm herself down.

I ignored her and spoke myself.

"Try that again, asshole. I dare you." I said clenching my fists. My voice roughly coming out from how sore my throat was.

Then I eyed my victim that would add up to my neglected rent allowance. She was shaking uncontrollably from either fear or anger, maybe both and her eyes stared right through me.

I began to feel light headed, beads of sweat building on my forehead. My eyes flickering with black spots and my muscles turning to jelly. Confusion filled me and I fell on one knee coughing suddenly making my head throb.

"Fay, stop. Now." Zeke hissed somewhere in the room.

I clenched my head finally feeling my other leg give out and I fell fully onto my knees. My senses were becoming useless. Everywhere hurt and I felt like my brain was going to explode. Heat beyond any other that I ever experienced, swelled inside me and I whimpered pathetically.

I heard a growl and a gush of breath before the pain disappeared and the heat vanished.

My eyesight returned slowly, as did my senses and I realized that Zeke knocked out Fay. He held her close using the back wall as leverage. His brown shaggy hair shadowing his eyes and I slowly tried to climb to my feet.

The floor creaked making me curse when his eyes swept to me. His brown pools struck me hard and I swallowed down my pent up fear. That girl, or whatever she was scared me more than anything. Her power was fearful and unheard of and only the royals would have the prowess to unlock it.

Still, I unsheathed my dagger, she had to die or else I would.

"If I were you," Zeke spoke darkly glaring at my dagger. "I wouldn't do that."

His words made me reconsider my motives. For a second until I sighed titling my head to side.

"Let's pretend that I won't. Okay?" I smirked condescending. "You can just hand over the girl, make your life easi-"

"Make my life easier," He growled protectivly holding Fay closer. "This is a person you're talking about, vampire or did you forget that your victims have family members. People that care about them."

I refused to let his daring words ditter me and I rolled my eyes. His words, unfortunately, did have some effect on me and I bit my tongue to help stop the unwanted feelings. The useless feelings that I didn't need.

Cocking my eyebrow, I smirked smugly. "Come on, big boy. We all have to make a living somehow in this cruel world."

He chuckled humorously. "This world is only cruel because of people like you."

"Fuck you," I snapped edging closer to him tightening my grip on my dagger. "Remember who has the fucking weapon here."

"And," His voice was light, with an undertone of warning. "Remember who had you restrained against the door, quite easily might I add. A few moments ago."

My confidence waned and I bit my tongue again. Bastard, I thought stubbornly edging closer to him and glaring icily at him.

"Give me the girl." I forced out between gritted teeth.

"Why not just kill both of us?" He questioned dumbly smirking. "Oh yeah, we're mates."

"Well, how about I make it easier for you. I reject you."

His words were spoken honestly and my heart broke. Despite my cursing and biting my tongue, tears gathered in the corner of my eyes. The pain of being rejected finally making me crack just a bit more so than before.

My breath became ragged and my hands were shaking from how upset I was. Resulting in the loss of my dagger, the smack of it against the floor dull to me and I closed my eyes backing away.

I rushed out of the room slamming myself harshly off the door and my shoes skidding on the floor. I left behind my victim and my mate, ex mate.

And, I feared the punishment the Crimson pack would sanction on me.


What do you think of this chapter, I hope nobody was overwhelmed by the new characters?

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What's your favourite Colour? Mines red :)

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