Chapter 4 girls night, wait WHAT?!?!

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(Author's P.O.V)

"Wait! You did What!" Eiko shouted at Vivian. 

"Yep, she's after me now because she want's my cats." Vivian answered, and Sanae said "I can't believe you did that! now she'll make your life even worse than before!" "She's right you know? it's bad enough last year but now she'll make it worse."

Maddie said while Eiko nodded agreement.

"In my defense girls I don't trust her with any living

thing, even my poor babies." It's true she doesn't

even her cats agree, Grell scoff and said 

"The next time I see her, She'll be on my to die list once I'm

back in my natural form!" Sebastian was shocked at

what Grell had said even the others were shocked, 

"Wow Sutcliff, I didn't think you like Ms. Vivian that much."

Said William, Grell grin at him and said,

"How could I not? She saved us so it's our turn to safe

her." "For once I agree with him, she was kind enough

to let us stay even if we're just cats to her." Said Sebastian, 

while Grell Nodded for agreement. 

(Vivian P.O.V)

"Hey babies, wan't to watch T.V?" they all looked at me

a little confused but they nodded like they were trying to 

say yes, then Raven sat on my lap asking for me to pet him, 

so I did it anyway while Eiko was about a pick a movie she

brought it from her house while Sanae and Maddie are 

making us some snacks.

(Cat's P.O.V)

'hmm so this is what it feel's like to be a cat? this is nice.'

Sebastian thoughted while he was relaxing on Vivian's lap,

"Sebastian! what are you doing?" Ciel meowed sternly from 

the other side of the couch as Vivian was petting him, which

give him the shivers of pleasure down in his spine.

"Relaxing master, cause after all, I am a cat." He replied,

smirking at his master while he was purring.

 Ciel padded over to her and poked her.

"Need something sweetie?" She ask him, "Yes, stop making

my butler more Comfortable." he replied, She gave him a 

sweet smile and said, "Sorry sweetie but I don't speak cats."

'oh right I forgot, when will we turn human again?' he wondered

while Vivian was giving him a pat on his head to cheer him up.

'I guess being a cat won't be so bad'  he thought.

(Vivian P.O.V)

"I've got popcorn who wants some?" Eiko shouted while the

other girls brought some sodas and pizza, they place the food 

on the table while Eiko put a movie on before start turning the

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