I need my baby

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It's been a week since the funeral...the service was beautiful.

Sadly shy could not attend she was to little for it..she I couldn't see her.

I've been working late hours to keep my off of everything but I can't

I can't get her laugh out of my head..I need her.

My babysitter was off making dinner for shy when I went to see her.

Shy was watching TV playing with her dolls.
She heard footsteps so she turned around

" I not tired ight now" she said rubbing her eyes. She had her eyes close so she couldn't see me..but oh could she smell me.

" Is mommy out of her room" she asked playing with dolls

" Yes hunny she is" I said leaning on the base board.

It didn't even take a second for her to be in my arms.

" Aw my baby" I cooed spinning her around. Her giggles could be heard through the whole house.

When we were done hugging she asked " mommy done being sad"

" Yes baby mommy's done" I smiled

" OK" she laughed

God I love her

Dinner time

Shy babysitter left a few hours ago with a big pay check. Which is good because I cant remember her name for the life of me.

She made some kind of bow tye pasta with blood sauce which was good.

But I couldn't enjoy my food because I kept catching my self staring at shy.

" Mommy" shy asked

" Yes baby" I said

" Can we go to ark" she asked

" Yes baby but not today maybe tomorrow" I responded

" Ok" she said grabbing the pasta and eating it.

" Mommy" she asked again

" Yes" I said missing her voice

" Can you put me to bed like your use to" she asked

" Yes darling" I said smiling

" Ok"

301 words

Omg it's been so long but I have a lot planned so stay tuned

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