Chapter Twenty Four

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Charlene's POV

It's been a week since I was surrounded by fresh roses, pelted by hail in front of my own home, and seen running around like a lunatic in the school hallway. I swear, I live the strangest life possible. But you wanna know what's even stranger?

It's also been a week since Mr. Lover Boy and I have interacted. That's right, no cute text messages, no weird run-ins in the hallway, no roses sent to my door. Nothing. Nada. Not even a signiture Ricky Garcia smirk.

I guess he got the message. He's done chasing me. One week in and he's already given up. Why was I so worried in the first place? Ricky doesn't know how to chase someone. He never had to. Every girl was already swooning over him before he even knew that they breathed the same air.

I guess I just thought that- I don't know, he thought I was special. That he thought I was worth fighting for. Is it bad that I'm kind of disappointed?

Never in a billion years did I want to be that girl who screamed "Oh my gosh! Stop chasing me!" when in reality, she's just saying that so he would continue chasing her, but in the midst of all this commotion, I did. I never realized how much I liked his attention until he was gone, and now he doesn't even spare me a glance.

It's funny how our emotions decieve us, you know? Our mind tells us what to do, assuming that it's the right thing to follow. But then when you do it, your heart tells you you're wrong, and by then its already too late. And somehow, you end up still liking the boy who's affection you took for granted, while he's in the process of getting over you. I miss my assertive, over achieving, suductive-smirking weirdo. And there's no way i'm getting him back.

My emotions suck. Plain and Simple. I'm more dramatic than a prepubescent brat.


On my way to school, I kept creating scenarios in my head of what could've happened if I had just taken him back that day in the car. If I had just said that I would've given him as many chances as he's already given me and more. I certainly wouldnt be here grumpy and alone on this Friday morning. To make things worse, the sky is grey and the streets are so foggy, it looks like I'm living in a mystery movie.

I quicky approach the perimeter of the school parking lot, and filled in a spot near the entrance. I grabbed my keys and my bag from the car, and took a step into the humid air. I walked to the front doors, the sound of chatter and laughter already resonating in my ears as I neared it. I walked through the crowded hallways and up the stairs, trying to get to my locker.

Luckily, I didn't get any staredowns on my way there. Since Ricky and I haven't spoken in the past week, I guess his groupies felt less threatened by me. I guess that was the one advantage to my hiatus from Ricky: I haven't been getting many death glares thrown at me. That was my intention for letting him down anyways, to not feel threatened by a bimbo whenever I did something as simple as to breathe. But I've come to realize that I'd take a hundred glares if it means being with him anyday. Life just isn't as interesting without him.

I put in my combination, and pulled at my locker. I took off my coat and placed it on a hook. As I dug into my bag for my notebook, I suddenly flinched at the masculine voice beside me.

"Boo!" It shrieked, slightly chuckling at the end. I held in my breathe, and slowly turned around, only to be relieved at the sight of Evan with a cheesy grin on his face. I let out a deep breath and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What? Did I scare you?" He said, mockingly. He tried to recreate my reaction. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"No, you didn't scare me. I just thought you were-"

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