Start bij het begin

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, someone was following me and it was pissing me off. First the forest, and now in an alleyway?

I walked down to my favourite convenient store at the edge of the town, it was near enough to the forbidden forest and i knew once I'd finished getting whatever i needed i would go into there for a night walk. I sighed as i walked through the isle of the store. I picked up a few candy bars before walking off into another isle.

I was too engrossed in the new design of the floor below me that i bumped into a chest of someone and fell down, cursing myself in the head for doing so. I rubbed my head where i had bumped it whilst looking up. I stopped my actions and the person who i had bumped into looked into my crystal blue eyes as i did the same to his hazel ones which glistened in the shops light. He had a worker outfit on, one for the demolition site. He had glasses and a hat on, covering most of his face but i could see strands of his light brown hair falling through the hood and hat he had on. I smiled a little and he did the same, we stayed there for what seemed like forever, but turned out to be 30 seconds, before i shook my head and realised my surroundings.

"Shit, I'm so sorry..!" i sort-of yelled in regret after i bumped into him. He chuckled a little bit at the state i was in and reached out his hand for me to take. I took it and he helped me up, steadying me a little before stepping away slightly and letting go when i was fully standing and ready.

"It's okay, it was partially my fault as-well," he said in his low voice and chuckled again, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Don't tell me you're embarrassed!" i started and laughed a little causing him to look me in the eyes again, which almost caught me off guard but i began again, "I didn't see you fall on your ass in-front of a cute guy!" i finished, moments after realising what i just said, making my cheeks flush red in embarrassment. He chuckled again.

"Fair enough, though I didn't catch onto the last bit? What did you say?" he grinned cheekily and i let out a small laugh. "I'm Wyatt," he held out a hand which i thought was for me to shake and he continued, "you are?" he questioned.

I held out my hand and he gave a small kiss to my knuckles, making my cheeks flush an even darker red and my stomach to tingle a little, he lifted his head back up as i replied, "I'm Anastasia, Anastasia Hash, and how formal of you kind sir," I said and we both let out a laugh, as i mentioned the fact of him kissing my hand. He nodded.

"You're welcome, Milady," he gave a quick bow, making me give a small laugh. He then paused, noticing my knuckles, "What happened?" he said, concern filtering his voice as he lifted up my hand again.

I tensed my hand a little as he held it, "I- Uh- fell?," i answered stuttering a little and rubbing the back of my neck in nervousness. I then looked down at my hand in his and noticed him doing the same, my blush stayed on my cheeks but then i tilted my head to the side as i realised my hand almost didn't have a bruise where i had hit anymore, it was quite faint. Wyatt seemed to notice this as well. He quickly dropped my hand, i gasped a little before he looked up and mumbled a sorry. I looked at him, confused at what had just happened before he gave me a small smile.

"I'll see you soon, Anastasia." he gave a quick peck on my hand again before rushing out the shop and down the street. That was weird. I inspected my hand and the bruise was...gone? I looked closely and there was a faint outline of it. I sighed and just hoped i would forget about it by tomorrow.

I grabbed the candy bars from the shelf i had passed and walked over to the slushy machine where i filled up a 500ML large cup of a blue slushy and brought them to the till. Shortly after, i payed for it and made my way to the large fence which had a hole in it, leading to the forbidden forest. I climbed through, scratching my leg slightly causing me to wince a little.

I fully climbed through and began strolling through the forest, amazed at my surroundings. The night was upon me and my eyes glistened at the sight of the stars. I smiled and reached into my bag for my phone to take a photo of the area i was in but my heart skipped a bit when i realised my phone wasn't in my bag. I pulled my bag closer to myself, searching through--still no phone. I started panicking a little. I did know the forest inside and out, well sort of, but i needed a flashlight and that flashlight happened to be on my phone! I groaned in defeat and decided i would try and look for it using the moon as my light. I searched the ground before me and then sighed. It wasn't there.

I looked around, standing from my crouched position and looked around. I mentioned i knew the forest inside and out, but not this part! I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and walked what seemed like north to me.

I was walking for a good 5 minutes until i saw a 'cave' type thing a few meters in front of me. My eyes lit up like a child who had just been given ice-cream. I walked forwards and directly in front of the cave. I smoothed my hand along it before looking around to finally spot an entrance.


word count: 1700+

To be continued.....

*p.s. i am British not American, so sorry if i typed some things and they don't make sense to you

Finished Writing: 12/04/2021

Edited: 04/08/21

wolves ↢ (Wyatt Lykensen X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu