Chapter 22

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Jade flew down to the hotel. She raced up the stairs and found room 203. Sure enough, Mara was dead. No signs of struggle though. She didn't do it to herself and it didn't seem like anyone else did. She had a mark on her left arm though. It was a hand mark. Jade called the station and an ambulance. Annie was in hysterics. The ambulance came.

Jade wanted tests run. She wanted to know whose finger prints were on her arm. The tests came back and the prints weren't human. Jade found out that Rick lied too. She found it that no one found Jakob as well. Jade didn't know what to do or who to call. Rick came in.
"What the heck! You liar!" Jade slapped him.

"Calm down." Rick said.

Jade punched him multiple times. Rick finally put his hands up in defense. Jade slapped him again.
"Ken told me not to tell you the truth!" Rick hollered.

"What the heck did you find!" Jade screamed.

"Sylvia... She coded Demons into her letter... She's not mental either." Rick lowered his head.

"I figured as much! Get Ken here now!" Jade screamed.

Ken came twenty minutes later. He walked up to Jade. Jade slapped him in the face and gave him his ring back. He looked ready to cry. She slapped him again.
"You idiot! Why would to make him lie! It didn't help me!!!! It costed a woman's life! It costed our relationship!" Jade cried.

"I just wanted you to be happier..." Ken said.

"You did a great job didn't you!" Jade slapped him again.

"Please.... I want to marry you. I love you. I was being selfish I know." Ken cried.

"Leave me alone. I told you how it was going to be. And I thought you understood. But no! I never want to see you ever again. So help me if I do!" Jade shoved him.

Ken walked away and threw the ring on the ground. Rick picked it up and gave it to Jade. Jade shook her head and dropped it in the garbage. Rick got it out and slipped it in Jades purse. Jade didn't notice. She grabbed a tissue and bawled her eyes out. She was so upset. She loved Ken but to be together she figured it'd cost too much. She cared about Mara too. Rick hugged her.

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