Finals: Prequel: Part 1: To study

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"Now, as you all know....Midoriya, what are you doing?" Aizawa asks, as I look up from the pieces of plastic and screws I'm working with. 

"What I want. To actually answer your question, I'm working on a piece of gear." I reply, gesturing the pieces in front of me

"I can see that, but what is it?" He asks, and I smirk

"That's between me and Nezu. But it's not a weapon. Midnight wanted a support item. I'm prototyping......gah, son of bitch...." I mutter, as the contraption falls apart when a screw slides out. 

".....What does Midnight need?" Aizawa asks, and I sigh. 

"She wants to be able to create gas grenades using the gas from her quirk. I'm working on a device that can do that, but it's not quite that simple. I need a way to capture her quirk, then compress it enough to fit in a grenade, which isn't exactly a simple process. Plus, she wants it to be portable. Luckily, she's willing to pay quite a bit." I say, as I finishing reconstructing the device, and look it over. 

"You make support items?" Yaoyorozu asks, as I lift up the model, and place it on my, and look at the relative size. Could be a bit smaller....

"More of a hobby, really. Fuck, does anyone have a pair of pliers?" I ask, and Kirishima reaches into his bag, and tosses a pair to me. I catch them, and pry off a small piece of plastic sticking off at an odd angle

"Thanks." I say, tossing the pliers back. 

"No problem, bro." He replies, putting the tool back in his bag. 

"........You are a problem child, you know that?" Aizawa asks

"You knew what you were getting into, allowing me into this class." I reply, setting the pieces aside, then pulling out the second set of pieces, which will build the actual grenade, which is much smaller than a regular gas grenade. I begin to assemble them, using small metal pins to hold it together. 

"Anyway, as you all know, your finals are coming up. Both written and practical. And as su-"

"Motherfucker!" I curse, holding my now-cut thumb, and inspecting the damage. It's not deep, but it covers in the entire pad of thumb. 

"Midoriya! Watch your language!" Iida says, and I reply by flipping him off. Iida looks ready to start shouting, but Aizawa glares at him, and he huffs, and turns away. 

"As I was going to say, as such, you need to study and prepare both mentally and physically. These tests will not be easy. I suggest you take them seriously. You have Modern Art next. Good luck." Aizawa says, then walks out

"Dude. I'm gonna fucking fail!" Kaminari cries the second Aizawa leaves

"Me too!" Mina says, and I sigh. 

"So study." I reply, and they both glare at me

"It's not that easy Midoriya! We don't have the time!" Mina says, and I raise an eyebrow

"I was able to study as a vigilante, while also digging up dirt on heroes, training, building and welding shit, along with, you know, being a fucking vigilante. If I could study, you can study." I reply, then finish assembling the grenade prototype, looking it over. 

"Besides, I bet you'll probably got a worse score than us! They're no way you could be able to stack up to U.A. students!" Kaminari says, and I chuckle. 

"I took the midterm the day I got here. If I had taken it at the same as you guys, I would've gotten second, behind Yaoyorozu." I reply, and everyone turns to face me, shocked, especially Iida

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