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I woke up to Alex saying a little too loud that they need to be quiet.

I said:"What's going on and why am lying on your bed?"

He was surprised that I was awake and apologized me for he waking me up but I said:"It is ok no problem, don't worry okay?"

After I said that I saw only 'Awww's and '<3's in his chat or sometimes also a 'did you have a good sleep?<3'.

They were so cute and polite to me and I went back to the chair where I could sit out of frame and put my left arm around him.

"What are you playing?" I asked and he told me that he played a mod on minecraft with Tommy and Wilbur who I knew but there had come more people into the call and they invited them to the sever where they were playing.

It were George, Sapnap(who was Nick but he didn't want to be called that) and Karl. They all were polite and said nothing about me so no one knew that they knew who I was.

I talked with them about the game and so on. As the stream was over, it was almost 10 and I texted my father that I would stay the night at Alex's. Alex saw that I wrote this to him and was happy af.

"Should we go out for a little while or do we stay inside?", he asked as he took off his beany.

"I think if it's not too cold outside we can go for a little walk. What do you think?", I asked him.

He nodded. "That's a great idea!"

Then, he went outside to check if it was too cold outside. It wasn't but he gave me a jacket for later because it would cool down.

We went out and the sun was still up so Alex said we could rush to the car and look at the sunset. I was so excited and said yes. Then, we ran to his car and rushed to a nearby mountain. We were not too late and could see the sunset as we were sitting on the hood of the car. He put his arm around me and I leaned more into his side. Time passed and we began to talk.

Alex: Were do you want to sleep? I have a guest room where you can sleep if you want.

Y/n: yeah I think I want to sleep there but not yet, I'm not that tired yet.

Alex: Of course I didn't mean to say that we need to go to bed when we get home but just to know for later, you know?

"Yeah that's ok but I am a little hungry and thirsty," I said embarrassed.

"That's no problem we can drive back home and get some drinks and food and do you want to watch some movies?" Alex asked and I nodded.

We went back to his car and drove back to his house. As we arrived, he showed me the living room and said that I could sit on the couch as long as he was getting the drinks and snacks.

I sat down and waited for him to return. He returned quickly and had two blankets with him and said "Just in case one of us is going to freeze." with a smirk on his face.

He switched on the TV and asked what I wanted to watch so I said:"I like comedy movies, horror stories, love storys and science-fiction. So I don't care what to watch."

He said quickly "Okay" and looked up science-fiction and asked if we wanted to watch Marvel, DC or transformers because he liked these movies a lot.

"Omg, I love transformers can we watch them please?", I said in joy and he nodded.

"Okay okay we can do this of course."

And we started the first movie, then the second, third and after the second movie I realized that I layed in Alex's arms. We both were under one blanket and he looked at me with a smile and asked: "Do you want to watch the third or are you too tired for this?"

"I can make it but after this one, I think I want to sleep I'm a bit tired." I said yawning.

So we watched the third transformers movie and than he turned the TV off.

"I can show you the house and then you can go sleep if you want, the guest room is not so far away from my room so if you need something feel free to knock on my door." He said showing me his house.

Then, after we went one time through the complete house we both went to bed, he in his room and I in the guest room. It was so strange not to be home and it was even stranger to be at the house of a boy you were in love with at your first date. It just felt wrong but it wasn't. Over that thought I couldn't sleep so I went over to Alex's door and knocked.

"Yes come in, are you okay, do you need something?" He said as I went into his room.

"No everything is ok but I just can't sleep." I said to him embarrassed looking at the ground.

He stood up, walked over to me, leaned down and hugged me. Then, he whispered in my ear:" If you want you can sleep in my bedroom or if you don't want we can go in the living room and watch some more movies or series -whatever you want- and if you fall asleep I can carry you back in bed, how does that sound like?"

He was so kind and gave me so many options to fall asleep but one thing was  repeating in my head. He said that we both could sleep in his room does he mean with this we both in his bed?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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