Start from the beginning

While the boys and Elizabeth were running Chloe was having a princess fashion show, trying on different dresses and different colors, she tried a big blue one with the shoulders showing as she spun around laughing, then there was pink flowy one that moved perfectly and sparkles perfectly in the light, then there was a dark purple one which she thought looked nice on her especially with her curled blonde hair and had nice flowy sleeves.

In which she then soon changed back into a robe and went to go check out the food which looked amazing as Chloe went up to it "man, Carlos and James would love this probably would play with it but would love it." She said as she then grabbed some fruit, a piece of cake, a steak and a fancy drink which looked interesting as she drank it "woah, this..this is good." She said laughing as she headed off.

They were now somewhere in China town as the boys and Elizabeth were hiding "can't you search any faster?" Kendall asked as he popped out of the box and Elizabeth was waiting to use the phone to call Chloe "oh, I'm sorry if I'm a little slow because I got shot with a dart!" Logan told him as he went to hit Kendall with it as he hid in the box again as Elizabeth banged on the telephone booth.

"James if you can't figure out, how it works then let me do it!" She yelled at him as James turned to her "fine, fine, I don't know how much better you'll do cause this.." he told her showing her the phone "is not a phone!" He told her as she pushed him out and headed in dialing Chloes room number.

"What does it say about the glowy thing?" Kendall asked as he continued to hide in the box "all I found is billionaire businessman and space travel pioneer sir Atticus Moon was rumored to be developing and anti-gravitational device.." Logan was saying as the phone finally picked up.

"Hello, Princess Elizabeth." Chloe told her through the phone as she was laying on the bed and Elizabeth looked out to make sure the guys aren't paying attention "your not gonna believe what happened, Kendall's backpack has this anti gravity device in it, in which we opened as we all floated to the ceiling but then when he shut it these bad guys arrived and now we're on the run.." Elizabeth told her as Chloe was shocked but happy as she went to reply she heard someone else's voice.

"Chloe, did you get in contact with Gustavo or Kelly yet?" Logan asked as Elizabeth's eyes went wide "umm..uhh.." she then talked into the phone "what do I tell them?" She asked as Chloe stood up off the bed taking the phone with her "tell them you can't find them and your on the phone with people trying to help you." Chloe told her as she nodded.

"Right, okay." Elizabeth told her and covered the phone "nope, haven't been able to find them yet!" She yelled to them as Chloe laughed on the other end "So, Carlos is getting his spy dream got it." She told her as she got back on the phone "yeah and there were these people trying to fight us.." Elizabeth was gonna continue before Logan banged on the phone booth "Chloe! We gotta go!" He told her as she hung up.

"Hello? Hello?" Chloe asked as she then shrugged hanging up as she went back to lay in the bed.

"Can't buy me love
Can't buy me love

They then went off running down an alleyway to get away from the man "I hate that guy from the airport!" James told them as they ran "you mean the guy with a silver hammer for a hand?" Logan told them as Carlos yelled "I told you we were in something big!"

"Makes you
Feel all right

Elizabeth and Kendall looked back as the man was gaining on them as they turned back running.

"I don't care too much
For money

"Sidewalk sale? Everything free?" Kendall told everyone as Elizabeth pushed the cart of clothes towards people as they all lunged for it blocking the man as they got away.

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