𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 2

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 "I don't date!" He yelled back. "And you're not getting out of this after just one party. There'll be plenty more," I pursed my lips in a smile.

 "Well, you heard it from the man himself, 'there'll be plenty more," I turned my attention back to riley f who's jaw was metaphorically on the floor. "You're here, with, vinnie?!" She asked in shock. "Y-yea, uh, looks like it," I replied in a slight chuckle.

 "How did you manage to-" "An unproclaimed, but now apparently claimed, bet." avani and I said in sync. We looked at each other, then at Riley who was clearly still confused so I decided to better explain. 

"I told avani that I could get into a no strings attached relationship without getting too attached and/or falling and she told me I couldn't. So, I made a move on vinnie because we all know there's definitely something unproclaimed there." I explained. 

"But, that doesn't explain what you're doing here with him. In that type of relationship, everything is strictly physical without emotional attachment therefore you're not really supposed to hang out with each other." She said. "Try telling that to the smartass over there. He's the one who would only agree to it if I went to parties with him." I said making eye contact with him across the room. This time, I winked, catching him off guard.

 I talked with my friends ever since we all met up in the kitchen while vinnie went off to flirt with and charm some other girl he'd probably already done it with

. "Hey, no jealously here. As I said, I'm going to win this bet, avani" I said to her when she caught me watching him. A few more minutes passed and vinnie was trying to get my friends to convince me to at least get a little tipsy. "Come on, just a few shots. Bet, you're a lightweight," he said. "That's what I always say!" avani exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and let out a long sigh and said "Fine, but vinnie, only if you quit drinking for the rest of the night, I'm not taking any chances driving home with anything in my system." 

He raised his hands in surrender, pouring the rest of his drink down the sink we happened to be standing right next to. "Deal," he said. I again rolled my eyes at his cockiness but took the drink that riley  was handing me.

 I'd always told myself I'd never smoke, do drugs, get high, etc., but I wasn't against getting drunk so it was about time I did. I was a few drinks in and vinnie was getting a bit touchy. I decided that if I was gonna go at all I was gonna full send. Go big or go home is what I always say. I'd also learned in the past year to take more chances and never say no. So far, living like that had led me to some pretty fortunate events.

 I let it go for a little while then I started to regain my thoughts and made him back off a little more. I wasn't going to let him have all of me at once. He'd have his chance but I had an alternate plan. It was coming around 12:30 p.m. and I didn't necessarily have a curfew but my parents didn't really want me out all night if I ever did decide to go out at night. They trusted me and I wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. "I want to go home now," I told vinnie with my back facing him and his hands on my hips. 

"Curfew?" He asked only half paying attention. "No, but I want to keep my parents trust in me when they say they don't necessarily want me out all night," I said now turning around to face him. "Alright," he sighed. "I'll take you home." "Thank you," I said and he took my hand leading me through the sea of people crowding every room.

  He pulled up in my driveway and I said "Thank you," as I stepped out of his car. He nodded and smiled. I turned around to face him and continued to head up the porch steps backwards knocking into one of the poles holding up the roof of the porch. I became dizzy and put my hand to the back of my head. "Ow," He got out of his car and walked up to me, a smug smile inching across his lips.

 He put his arm around my waist and helped me into the house. He shut the door quietly behind him seeing as all the lights were off and I assumed my parents had gone to bed -because they knew they could trust me. "Shhhh," I said with a small, quiet, giggle. He helped me up the stairs and into my room, sitting me on my bed. "Want any more help?" He said with a smirk. "No," I rolled my eyes. "But, thank you." He smiled, nodded, and headed back towards my door. His hand reached the doorknob and I stopped him.

 "You're not gonna, try to, take advantage of me? Because... I am drunk you know," I said with a smug smile as I rubbed my hand slowly down his toned arm. He looked down at where my hand was on his arm. he bit his lip and looked back at me. "No," he said indefinitely. I could tell he was thinking the exact opposite. 

"But you want to," I smiled bringing my lips closer to his. "Mmm," he hummed in agreement as he brought his own lips closer to mine. "But you're not going to let me, are you," he stated stopping merely a centimetre away from contact. I placed a deep kiss to his lips and said "damn right." I pulled away but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer saying "you're different from everyone else." "Mm, how so?" I replied distinctly, still smiling. 

"You follow your own rules, you play back, like you're, in charge," he said in an almost unsure tone. "Am I?" I questioned bringing myself even closer to him. He kissed me. "Are you?" He began kissing my neck in multiple places. He backed me up picking me up and sitting me on my bed, kissing me all along the way. "Am I? Let's see," I said between kisses. I then pushed him off me, turned him around and forced him down onto the bed.

 "I think I am," I said confidently while breathing slightly heavier than normal then began kissing his lips and neck. He smiled and we continued as his hands trailed wherever I let them. Only minutes later was I shoving him out the door all while our lips maintained their physical connection. I shut the door and slid down to the ground as I tried to regain my proper heart rate and breathing pattern.

 "I'm never going to get tired of that," I told myself. I just couldn't let myself get attached to him himself.

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