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I headed towards the bathroom and soon after headed downstairs. I found Brandon eagerly waiting in the kitchen to help me make breakfast. I opened the cupboard and got all the ingredients for pancakes and went ahead to mix them together. I allowed Brandon to help me in pouring the mixture in the pan. Soon after, we were done with breakfast and I poured honey on top of mine while Brandon poured strawberries.

After breakfast was done, we decided to sit in the living room and watch a movie then head out shopping. After the movie, I bathed Brandon then dressed him and allowed him to play with some of the toys in his room while I got ready.It did not take me long to get ready and we headed to the mall for shopping. We headed into my car and drove to the mall. As soon as I packed the car, Brandon was out of the car and running off towards the kids section of the mall.

We walked in different isles and picked whatever Brandon or I wanted. After I paid, a worker helped take our bags to the car. We later headed to Dom's restaurant to have some food.We soon left the restaurant after having our meal. I could see that Brandon was pretty tired and I was also feeling exhausted. I secured him in his car seat and I drove back home in silence. The traffic was not heavy so we got back to my house in no time. I carried a sleeping Brandon in my arms and asked the guard to help carry our shopping bags. We headed to the elevator and waited for it to get to our floor.

As soon as we got out, I put in the security code I headed upstairs to Brad's room. I tucked him in and went back downstairs to pick up the bags. Since it was late in the afternoon, I decided to do some work while Brad took an afternoon nap. I checked some emails and replied to most of them.I took my sketch book and began drawing some new dress designs for the upcoming show.

I was so engrossed in drawing that I did not hear a knock at my front door. I was shocked to see Josh standing behind me holding my shoulder. I closed my sketch book and looked up at him with a scowl on my face. I hoped he would get the memo that I did not like his presence at all. He did not seem to get the message and continued to look at me. As I was about to ask him what he was doing in my house, I heard Brad's voice calling me from the stairs.

I looked towards his direction and saw a very big smile on his face. I smiled back but dropped it as soon as I realized what had him smiling that big. His big blue eyes were looking towards Josh. He ran down the stairs with his arms wide open waiting to be picked up by him. Josh threw him in the air while smiling back and the only sound was of Brad's giggles. This scene reminded me so much of my dreams when I was young. I used to dream of having a family of my own with Josh. Looking back, I was so naïve that I did not see that that was nothing but a dream. My parents were together for such a long time and they were always showing love to one another. That was what I always wished my relationship to be like in the future but I was afraid of commitment.

"What are you doing here Josh," I heard Brad ask.

"Aww buddy you wound me so much. Don't you want me here" Josh asks him when holding his chest pretending to be hurt.

"No Uncle Josh, you are welcome to visit us anytime" Brad says adorably then gives him a peck on the cheek.

I am yet to ask Josh what he came to do at my house when Brad asks him whether they can play football in the back yard. Josh looks at me as if asking for my approval and I'm about to say not but I look at Brad and give in to their request. I allow them to head to my backyard. I decide to finish one more design then cook dinner. It does not take long to complete the sketch because I had done half of it before Brad woke up. I later head towards the kitchen to cook some food. I decide to cook some lasagna and chicken. I grill the chicken and then go ahead to cook my lasagna.

When dinner is done, I call Josh and Brad inside. I head upstairs to bathe Brad before he takes his dinner. Josh also says that he will head to his house to clean up then come back for dinner. I also clean myself up and later headed to the dining table. I went to the kitchen and started binging out the food and the plates. After I was done, I called out Brandon who was watching TV in the sitting room. I pulled out his high chair and sat him down and we waited for Josh to come.

When he came over, I served the food and everyone dug in and ate silently. I ate my food while feeding Brad and it did not take long for him to be full since we had late lunch. I carried him to his room and tucked him in. I went to the bookshelf and picked out a story to read to him. I started reading him he story and half way through I heard his little snores. I kissed him on the forehead and covered him fully. I turned on the night light and headed towards the door. I was shocked to see Josh leaning on the door of the room already looking at me.

"Is he really your son Kira? I can see that you love him a lot but I have not heard him call you mom even once" He asks.

I decided that I would not pull his leg again like I had done before. I tell him that Brad is my godson and I am only looking after him for the weekend. The look on his face almost shows relief after I have said that but then I decide to ignore it. We head out of Brad's room and walk back downstairs not forgetting to close the door. I remember earlier Josh got into my house on his own and decided to ask him how he got the code. He told me that he was outside when we were coming back from the mall and that he saw the numbers I input into the code. I found that creepy and gave him a questioning look. He looks at me sheepishly and I mentally tell myself to change the code tomorrow. I love my privacy and my house is one of the places where I feel safe.

Josh suggests that we watch a movie. I gotta admit that I was against the idea at first. I did not want to be close to Josh in the fear that my past feelings for him are going to come back. I later convince myself that that was just a silly crush that ended a long time ago. Josh suggested that we should watch fifty shades but I lied that I did not have the movie. He chooses another movie from my collection and while he was getting it, I headed towards the guestroom to get a throw blanket and pillows. I throw the pillows on the floor and sit on it then cover myself with one of the blankets. I expected Josh to sit on the couch but I am surprised when he sits next to me on the floor and pulls my blanket to cover himself with.

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