I Love You...

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The beeping of the buzzer and a rhythmic heartbeat was all she could hear. She struggled to open her eyes, and when she did, she was greeted by the grey color of the med-bay ceiling.

'Am I alive?' was the first thought that came to her.

She tried moving her hands, legs, neck... but to no avail.

'Hey Rave,' She heard the doors of the med-bay open, and a voice. Cyborg?

She saw him enter, she could perfectly see and hear now, she just couldn't move.

'How are you?' He said emotionlessly as if he had said it a million times before. 'I just came here for a few tests and... just come back, Raven!' He said, some tears flooding his one human eye. 'I can't take it anymore! We all miss your sarcastic remarks, your, no offense, creepy aura, and you throwing BB out the window... I miss my lil' sister!'

She could see the tears escaping from his eye and she let herself smile... or think she smiled... or make her ghost smile... whatever.

'Am I in a coma?' She asked herself.
'You've been in a coma for the last two days...' Cyborg started.

'Asked and answered.'

'According to my tests your body has already healed itself... so maybe you can wake up anytime now. Please, Rave, don't put us through this misery anymore... please wake up.'

'Huh.. he cares so much about me...'

'We've been visiting you for the past two days... well... we the boys. Starfire started crying so much when the first time she saw you on the bed, we haven't allowed her in the med-bay ever since.' He laughed. 'Robin's doing okay... well, he's mostly in the training room or with Starfire nowadays. He's really depressed with having a teammate getting hurt, especially with your "bond" and stuff.
He's blaming his bad leadership for you getting hurt... but thankfully Star's keeping him grounded.
But... Green Bean's totally not himself. He's always locked up in his room or the med-bay with you... and he didn't even fight with me when I made bacon for breakfast... I think he's gonna be here anytime now..' He looked at the med-bay door as if expecting Beast Boy to walk in.

He let out a big huff as he rubbed his face and took a seat beside her bed.
Then he looked around the med-bay to see if anyone was there.

'All clear..' Cyborg muttered to himself as he present a button on his arm and a holographic screen popped up. 'Well, with nothin' better to do, I might as well check on my honey baby.'

Raven raised an eye-brow. Honey baby? Who's ho-

'Hey, babe, how are you?' She heard someone say from Cyborg's screen. Bumble bee?

'I'm o'kay. But how's my "Honey Baby" doin'?' Cyborg asked in a disturbingly baby-talk voice.

Raven did her best tune out their conversation. 'Okay, so it's almost like I'm a ghost now,' She thought to herself. 'I can hear, see, and feel emotions without blowing up anything. And apparently talk to myself,' She said with an eye roll. 'Huh, let's see what the others have to say.' She said with a smirk.

After some more of Cyborg's mushy talk with his, now apparently girlfriend, he pressed some more buttons on the panel beside Raven's bed and left the room with a final look.

After waiting for a few minutes, she heard the doors open, revealing the green changeling.

Puberty had hit Beast Boy late, but hard.
He had grown taller over the last few years, successfully towering over Raven, and was not so lean and scrawny anymore. Maybe the exact opposite. He was wearing a black tee, which showed off his muscled arms, and denim jeans.

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